Chapter 16 : Expect The Unexpected

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A/N : Couldn't leave you guys hanging.

It took a while for everything to click and the realisation to hit me out of nowhere. My jaw dropped as I instantly noticed the figure who was on top of Jen.

I froze. Still standing in the doorway , partially traumatised and unnoticed by the two who were obviously up to no good in front of me.

"Oh. My. Fuck."


"K-Kimberly?" Jen stuttered , pushing the person who was on top of her off - and looking straight at me with flushed cheeks.

"I didn't know you were home..."

"Minor change of plans." I said softly , still eyeing the both of them - covering their naked bodies with the thin sheet on Jennifer's bed.

My eyes lingered back to the person who was laying next to her , their face in their hands in embarrassment. It took a while for me to actually formulate the words before I verbalised them.


I got a small wave in return , her head still down and buried in her other hand.


"Fuck." I cursed as the plate I'd been washing slipped out of my hand and onto the floor.

I felt like shit. Actually , that's an understatement. I looked like shit. After sleeping most of the day away and still having to clean the kitchen after I woke up - as Jen decided she was going to teach me how to become 'domesticated' - I honestly looked terrible. My hair was knotted and coarse , and I had a disgusting mix of gravy and peas smeared all over my hands and face after having a rather sad mishap with the plate of leftovers.

I was trying to scoop out all the peas and gravy - but Jennifer noticed I was standing over the bin , obviously to throw the remaining food away , but she screamed so fucking loud and caused me to flick the remaints that I'd already scraped off the plate into my face and hair. It was fucking horrible.

Then , she lectured me about wasting.

I didn't see the point , if it was something like a half eaten cake or a pie , maybe then I'd understand. But since it was veggies - I had no intention of keeping that shit till' later.

"You dropped another one?" She groaned , picking up the plate that had fallen , inspecting it where it had chipped. For one , this plate had stayed in one fucking piece , give me credit for that at least.

"Well , I'm so fucking sorry. Do it yourself then , fuckface."

She laughed sarcastically before pushing the plate back into my hands and putting the dishcloth over my shoulder.

"No. You're not getting away with it so easily. You may be shit at it , but it's fucking time you learnt."

I rolled my eyes and picked up another plate , repeating the process.

I glanced up to look out the window at Sophie who was working on her car , cursing profusely. The hood was open and she was beant over into it , looking for the solution. She'd been working on her car for the past hour , trying to get it to work.

I chuckled to myself. That sort of fucked up her chances of her quick getaway , especially since I knew she was currently fucking one of my closest friends - her presence made it awkward.

I rolled my eyes once again as the hood came down on her head , and she screeched in pain. Her crys could be heard from the kitchen.

I dryed my hands and looked over at Jennifer who was also fighting back a giggle.

And I've Never Felt This Way Before (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now