Chapter 14 : Childhood Memories

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"Jen , could you please keep your shit music the fuck down?!" I yelled from the guest room. It was 11:00am on Saturday morning , and I was still in bed. Unlike most people , i'm never awake before noon.

Despite my protests from the other room , the lounge boombox continued to blare. I heaved a sigh. There was no real explanation for Jennifer's weird behaviour lately. Her love for indie and 80's rock had seemed to happen overnight , which was concerning because I oath I've only ever known Jennifer to listen to Florence and the Machine and Lana Del Rey.

This had been going on for the past hour , and no matter how hard I tried to shut out the insanely loud music from downstairs , I failed miserably each time.

"You're a bitch." I muttered as I walked into the lounge.

"Well , goodmorning to you too."

"Yeah. Morning."

She lowered the volume to the point where it was now so-to-say bearable. I recognized this song instantly. The Sleeping With Sirens cover of Iris. Now this had me worried. Since when did Jennifer listen to Kellin Quinn? Better yet , I soon discovered she had the original as well - the one by Goo Goo Dolls - which she played straight after the cover version.

"Are you feeling alright?"

She scrunched her nose up at me as she set her phone down on top of the speakers , careful not to disconnect the auxiliary cable.

"Perfectly fine. Why?"

"Since when do you listen to this kind of music?"

She rolled her eyes before quickly picking up her phone once it vibrated , a slight smile tugging at her lips that I assumed was a message from her 'boy-toy' , and typing in a reply.

"Since when am I not allowed to?"

"I just didn't have you pinned as an indie or rock fan , that's all. Besides , you were always into all that dark shit. All that depressing music." I shrugged.

"I'll have you know that Florence and The Machine is not dark or depressing." She scoffed. "It just has a more in-depth meaning to it. Anyway , who says I haven't always been into this kind of music before?"

"Because once I played you a Three Days Grace track and you nearly fucked me over the head with your umbrella."

Jennifer tried to hide her giggle with a sigh , one that was more out of content then anything else.

"It just appeals to me lately." She shrugged , and I noticed the grin she tried to hide as a familiar shade of red had settled apon her cheeks.

"This new guy , i'm guessing?"

She rolled her eyes , but she didn't deny it. Almost instantly her phone vibrated again , which she practically pounced on - and once again was left with the silly little bashful grin that made her way onto her face. As I studied her , her posture and manner of doing things - it came to my attention that she was happy. I don't mean as in , the happy you become once you win an award. Or when you finally get that new pair of designer shoes you see in a shop window. But seriously , completely and utterly contented. I hadn't seen Jen like this in ages. A part of me knew that it was most probably her new boyfriend who was making her this way , and perhaps it would be shortlived. But who was I to judge where it may lead? Her smile she wore lately was her genuine smile. One that I hardly ever saw when she was with Jake. It occurred to me in that moment that this person - whoever he may be - really made her happy in a way no other boy ever had. Whereas I know fuck all about the new guy she was with , or even if he was close to being good enough for her , I knew I liked him already. The unfamiliar glow that she now possessed was one that suited her , and her new found smile was one that made me feel at ease. I caught myself smirking at the thought , rolling my eyes as I picked up my hoodie that was on the back of a chair and pulling on a pair of jeans over my boxers.

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