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Winds blow harshly as King MixNix roars, "GO FORTH Nixnado... do my bidding and allow me to obtain that... delightful Clothian cubit shard." As Clothians get blown around, Swetzer gets enraged, "O-o-oh my MAXIMUM MIXEL... this AGAIN!!??" King MixNix signals for the swirling vortex to cease, "Well you... miserable Mixel... how about you give me the cubit shard... and I let you live?" Swetzer laughs heartily, for quite awhile. As King MixNix waits for the laughter to cease, he files his nails, files his tax fraud, files some firings and files an appointment to get his dress patched up due to a Nixel in the Nixnado ripping the robe with their ear.

"Anyways... yo-o-ou're very funny... MixNix was it?," she says, "Of CO-O-OURSE we won't hand it o-o-over..." Jeanne and Kap grab a cubit, a closet opening and swallowing the three whole. Then a max bursts out, and with the help of a bunch of Clothian mixes, instantly whoops King Nixel back to Planet Mixel.

"Ah, it seems I've 'lost' haven't I?," King Nixel thinks aloud, grabbing the Clothian cubit shard from a Nixel, now catching up with him, "Well... won't they be surprised to know-"

"THE CUBIT SHARD IS GO-O-ONE!?," Swetzer screams so loudly, even residents of Mixopolis take note. The Clothian Caverns are sent into a full panic, Swetzer even angrier than he even knew was possible. All the Clothians are fearful of both a lack of cubit shard, and Swetzer's temper! This temper... also caused by what seemed to be an impossible task, having been done.

King MixNix enters the remains of Nixel Land, N-Mixels having already been at work trying to figure out plans to take over Nightlight Moon. When King MixNix holds out the cubit shard, everyone cheers. King MixNix goes into a familiar carved out area...

"Heyyyy Mixxy Nixxy!!!," Schnix says, seeming more physical despite having already been trapped. MixNix even shudders, noticing inconceivably detailed specks of Schnix warping in and out. "You should know Schnix, you are on THIN ICE," the King roars, "So don't even dare call me petty nicknames." Schnix rolls their nonexistent pupils, not that MixNix can tell with the distorted kaleidoscope-like appearance Schnix reflects now within the real world.

King MixNix sighs, "Well I've got your cubit shard, tell me the plan."

The End

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 2Where stories live. Discover now