Witto's Monster

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"Can you murp monkeys shush..." Knitto groans, "If you need magic braincell granting candy I can-" "NO!," Rayzo and Fruitpunch say in unison, continuing to have their petty spat, slapping both their singular hands with little real effort.

Knitto sighs, continuing to stitch together her monster within the Stitchlie Valley hillside swamp, inspired by the famous works of Mixenstein, a Medix who dabbled in Wiztastic magic. As she's doing the finishing touches, she gets grabbed by it, the monster roaring and trying to attack the two arguing N-Mixels who finally cease their spat. "Ok Rayzo," Fruitpunch says, "Distract it with your laser... and I'll get Knitto free." Rayzo winces, "How will you-" "DO IT."

Rayzo uses his laser blaster like a laser pointer, distracting the strange beast like a mothsquito to an Infernite flame as Fruitpunch punches it in the shoulder, making it flinch and freeing Knitto. The two N-Mixels mix in quick desperation, scaring off the monster. They split, glad to have helped Knitto.

The End

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 2Where stories live. Discover now