The Mixful Fellows Sitcom Hour

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Within the Maximum Domain, a meeting begins to take place. Various tribal entities all join together in a space and time between space and time. Not everyone is present, the meeting having been marked as low priority with an attendance limit. All are in their Mixel form, as usual. Maximum Mixels tend to only take on a new form when using their powers.

As discussion blends into the background, the Frosticon fellow known as the leader Kelvin, speaks up with many icy sharp teeth and a long beard, "Settle down, settle down Maximum Council!," they say, staring four eyes down on everyone. The flexer cat pipes in, "Just a question, what's this meeting about? Didn't say on the memo." "I will get to that in a moment, Glawnyan," Kelvin says, rubbing their forehead as the cat puts his feet on the table, leaning back with his long-necked head in his tentacle paws. Kelvin looks down at the podium, "SEND IN THE TRAITOR!," they boom. One frosty fellow with glowing eyes simply says, "E."

A circular pattern in the floor behind the podium opens, allowing the guilty individual to observe the Maximum Council, looking on with layered eyes. Kelvin grunts, "This is Schnix, the current Maximum Monster to represent... well the monsters. Even as Mixamals, they still form the genesis of Mixels. "Howdyyy... Schmix was it??," says the Flexer cat, "We're the Mixful Fellows!!! Nice to mix with ya!!" The short-statured but rather girthy Muncho scoffs, "Shut UP Flexer!"

The Pyrrat plays a laugh track, peeving the hot-tempered infernite Nivlek, "Shut UP!!! And stop calling our group the MIXFUL FELLOWS!!," it shouts. Kelvin controls the temperature to cool the air, "Now now, let's stay calm brother. Although yes the Mixful Fellows nonsense is quite... annoying to hear for the fiftieth or so time." The orange cat shrugs, sticking out his tongue at Nivlek, "Want me to go back to calling it The Legendary Mixfuls: the Fellows of Fun and Friendship?" Nivlek digs his firey claws into the podium, refraining from immense violence. A Glorp Corp with large goopy feet helps Nivlek settle down.

"Heehee!!," Schnix giggles, being met with a cold glare from Kelvin, "So what's up MIXFUL fellows?," Schnix continues, undeterred. Kelvin sighs, "Ryujix, if you will?" The Medival dragon snorts some fire, shooting a fierce glance towards the lowly Maximum Monster, "Aight, this bloke has been abusing their powers it seems... taking apart Mixels and mashing them together! Into quite profound mixes and murps. Now... Maximum Schnixel, how do you plead, innit?" Before Schnix can say a word, Chukno, the Nindjaz dragon interjects, "Aren't I more qualified to read this, no?" Chukno pulls on her mustache, taking it fully out. She puts it back in nervously. Ryujix ignores his rival, trying to keep a level head.

Schnix finally speaks as they roughly pet Eg, who they're holding, "W-well! I-it's not like I can HELP it..." Schnix seems to be getting interrupted by a much deeper voice, "haha... I see awesome, new, bigger and more COLORFUL creatures running amuck! And... my mind... kinda goes blank? It happens when some IMPULSES take over!" Schnix stops speaking as Eg can barely yelp from beneath Schnix's intense petting.

Kelvin sighs, "But... Schnix, you can't be going around and mixing Mixels against their will!" A Wiztastic fellow known as Maegick pipes in after finishing some coconapples and a box of cookironis, "Can I break? I need to-" before she finishes, Nivlek gestures to skedaddle.

Schnix thinks, "Wellll I'm a... a Schnixamajig! I can bring out the perfect power of anyone I mix!!" The muttering amidst the quite a few Mixful Fellows grows concerned and loud. Even Kelvin seems ready to snap, "Well... as part of the Mixful Fellow- I mean... eh, whatever. As part of the Mixful Fellows... I deem you a monster, unless you can walk back those words? And atone for your actions?" "Uh-" "Not the literal monsters, Trashy the trash can." The Trasho puts her hand down, returning to a sitting position.

"Well then, Schnix, we shall banish you, this... 'unnatural mixamajig' to the center of our project, Planet Mix... it's a working title."

"Wh-WHAT!? No! UNFAIR! NOT FUN!!!," Schnix begins to shout, fearing the worst, "W-we-we're still FRIENDS right!? RIGHT!!??" As Kelvin gets a new sealing stone from the Wiztastic, it looks to Schnix and transforms into a much more complex form, one made of flesh unlike Mixels, Nixels or anything else. As the room freezes over coldly, with Kelvin's oval-shaped eyes only returning a ghastly stare. Kelvin doesn't snap. Nor get angry. They just give a cold stare with a cold statement, "This, will be your prison." Schnix finally snaps, "NO!!! NOO!!!!!! I-I'M NOT GOING DOWN WITHOUT A FIGHT!!!!" It's too late however, as even after Schnix transforms into their Maximum form... all they can do is watch in horror as their flesh and powers peel off, entering the rocky seal. As Schnix becomes but a shell of their former self, they look more like a skeleton than a monster. As they get sucked into a portal, one that leads to an imprisonment room in a dimension not even comprehensible to the Mixful Fellows, Schnix snaps, "That's... IT!!! I'M TAKING THE MONSTERS WITH ME!!!," Schnix screams, laughing in crazed and incoherent lunacy as they pull every monster in with them using thousands of arms, "IF I CAN'T HAVE FUN WITH MIXELS, YOU CAN'T HAVE FUN WITH THE MONSteeerrsss!!!......" Schnix's screeches cease as every Monster dies on the way in, grabbed by Schnix's last breadth of power.

Kelvin sighs, "They had so much promise frankly... but ended up going down the path of a spoiled kid..." "Didn't they work for a week?," asks the Trasho. Kelvin disbands the meeting without another word.

*** *** ***

Meanwhile, behind the portal Schnix looks around the room. In this highly detailed room with a door, a bed, a lamp for light and a window with only an endless void outside, Schnix looks at the entertainment surrounding them. There is a TV on static... and a bin. A bin full of the pieces of plastic flesh, once belonging to the monsters Schnix greedily grabbed. Schnix hisses deeply, laughing in conflicted sorrow, "I... won't be alone!! I'll have... FRIENDS!!! AAAAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAAA!!!"

"Oh also that's. My absolute favorite channel," Schnix says, staring at the empty static TV, "Oh yeah. What a treat."

The End

Nhe Edt

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