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"Fresh Mixel Land air. It sure be giggletastic!," says Sneek, taking a walk in Mixel park, smelling some plowers along the way. His stomach then grumbles, "Well... me hungry!" Sneek picks out the plowers with his long tongue, grabbing it out with his hand, "Yummy!!" Before Sneek can have any, Nitti tackles Sneek to the ground, "I SAW THEM FIRST!!!"

Nitti hustles away, zig zagging after having grabbed the plowers. "Noo... me need food!!," Sneek says, jumping super high and landing before Nitti, towering over it, "GIMME!!!" Sneek grabs back the plowers, hopping away.

Considering how... slow his hopping is, Nitti quickly catches up with a brisk stroll, "Sneek, let's mix and eat!!" Sneek grabs the cubit Nitti offers, an otter popping up and eating the two. The otter smiles, before it's head explodes cartoonishly and reveals a mix, who eats the plower bunch in one slimy bite.

The End

Mixels: A Mixful Journey Series 2Where stories live. Discover now