Gift Giving (Nuzi)

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Since he and Uzi had started dating, N had been trying his best to do everything right. Uzi promised him that he was perfect just as himself, but N still wanted Uzi to have the best relationship possible.

N had done all he could to keep Uzi happy, finding her gifts every other day and snuggling with her whenever she wanted. Uzi was sure that if she asked for the world, N would do whatever he could to make that happen.

Despite not being into 'typical' romance, Uzi enjoyed receiving some much attention after a lifetime of being ignored. She also loved how N seemed to learn about relationships based on movies, which sometimes led him to do sweetly corny stuff.

There was one thing that N couldn't do though. One staple in every relationship that he was yet to reach...

He couldn't get his girlfriend flowers. Put simply there just weren't any on Copper 9 since the wipe out of biological life. There were some trees, but they were dead and still standing only due to being frozen in place.

Uzi didn't mind the lack of flowers at all, N got her so much other stuff that the idea of a bouquet seemed insignificant. Still N couldn't get the idea out of his head that he wasn't good enough until he got his girlfriend flowers.

N was shuffling around the pod, mumbling to himself when V put her hand on his shoulder. "You really wanna get Uzi flowers? Don't cha?" She said, looked exhausted.

The male disassembly drone nodded at his coworker who groaned "We've had this talk like 1000 times! Uzi can live without them- plus there's no way you're finding any on planet!" 

Whimpering, N lowered his head. He knew V was right, but felt upset regardless. V, feeling kind, sighed and thought of how best to cheer up her companion. "You could make flowers?" V suggested, sounding unsure.

N missed her uncertainty and perked up "How?!" N chimed.

Releasing what she'd started, V stammered "Well uh- remember how some humans used to make stuff out of paper- I think it was called origami, you could learn that?"

That's a dumbass idea....

"That's a great idea!" Chirped N, he had no idea how to do 'origami', but he was more than willing to try.

Meanwhile, Uzi sat in the floor of her bedroom, organising school work into two piles: Do later- and never do.

She was planning to focus her energy on a gift she was making for N. It wasn't much, but she knew how much N liked dogs- and since he couldn't have a real one- she was building a robot puppy.

He's been so stressed lately- working himself up about flowers.

Uzi fiddled with her model dog and worked steadily for a few hours. The 'puppy' resembled a young border collie, but Uzi had prepared its programming  to match a golden retriever's personality. Since in her opinion that would be the best type for N.
She smiled at the thought of Ns reaction, though a part of her was still worried that he wouldn't consider it a real puppy.

As Uzi fiddled with the dog's legs, trying to make them bend easier, a text popped up on her phone.

N: I'm sorry Uzi but I don't think I make it to movie night tonight... ):

Uzi: Oh...alright N...

N: If you really want I'll come!

Uzi: Nah, it's good (: I've got something to work on anyway.

N: Alright biscuit, don't stress yourself out.

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