Tipsy Uzi Part 3

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Despite how awkwardly the movie ended- neither N or Uzi were exactly disappointed with how the day went. As they walked back to Uzi's apartment N was smiling wide at the memory of playing with Uzi's hair, while Uzi giggled quietly whenever she recalled the feeling of N's warm arm wrapped around her.

Now they both had proof that the other liked them back, someone just had to be brave enough to make the first move.

"So you want to go for a fly? It would be nicer than us just going to back to our homes" N nervously asked, he had no desire to return to the spire, and would enjoy wasting a few more hours alone with Uzi.

As expected the worker blushed "I..I uh...sure, if you don't mind me being slow again".

N grinned and chuckled at this reminder, the first time Uzi had flown beside him she'd been completely left in the dust- accidentally of course- thanks to N being more experienced and agile than her in the air.

Uzi didn't like N laughing at her, and so snapped back "Fine! How about I race you? Would that be funny?!"

Unfortunately for Uzi the aggression didn't do anything except make N laugh more. He found her so adorable when she was like this, N even hoped one day he could kiss her forehead as his response, making her blush and crumble under his affection.

That would have to wait until...

Until they became official.

"Sure, let's race" N smiled, looking at Uzi as if she was some kind of deity while heading out Door 1. Uzi blushed at his loving eyes and looked away, she now knew he liked her, but his affectionate gaze was still pretty frightening- though exciting as well.

Once they were both outside Uzi pointed towards the top of a distant building, marking that as the finish line. N nodded and spread his wings, resisting the immediate temptation to wrap Uzi up close to him.

Uzi's wings unfortunately were not as easy to control...

The second Uzi's bat wings tore through her hoodie they started flapping in the direction of N, clearly trying to make some sort of physical connection with the disassembly drone. N snorted slightly, rather amazed by how much independence Uzi's wings seemed to have, and how obvious her crush was now that he spotted it.

Unable to resist, N teased Uzi "You might just end up chasing me the whole flight if this is how your wings are".

Uzi blushed and yelled "BITE ME! I'll definitely beat you- you glorified machine gun!"

N smiled softly, understanding that Uzi meant no harm with her words. He prepared again to start his flight, acting as if nothing happened with Uzi's wings, which she appreciated.

"Alright, one, two, three!"

Both drones launched into the air, N immediately taking the lead (boosted by a powerful jump) and speeding far ahead of Uzi, who was desperately trying to fill at least half of the distance. For a moment N was worried he'd upset Uzi by going too fast, but looking back he could only see pure concentration on her face. She was determined to win fair and square.


Why did N find that so cute? He had no clue.

Of course N won the race, landing on the top of the building roughly and loudly. Uzi landed not too long after, she may have taken longer to get there but her landing was far more graceful than N's.

"God damn it...wish I had antigravity boosters" Uzi grumbled, glaring at N as she wiped the snow off her hoodie. N smiled "I'd still probably win, you're more agile than me but in speed I'll always win".

It was rare for N to be as blunt as this, but he was enjoying seeing Uzi fluster and grumble to herself. Something about it just made Uzi so damn cute, so cute it was getting harder and harder to resist kissing her on the forehead...

Uzi finished her mumbling and sighed, she could tell N was trying to mess with her for some was cute but rather was she supposed to hide her blush with him acting like this? Well...she could try and play her own game~

"Oh well, guess you can give me an order then" Uzi said, trying to sound disappointed, though deep down rather excited. "Order?" N questioned, she'd never mentioned an order before and they'd never had this condition on their other races... why would there be one now?

Uzi grinned at N's reaction "Didn't I say? The winner gets to ask for anything from the looser, that's the prize".

N immediately went yellow. He had no memory of Uzi mentioning this, but found himself practically overheating at the idea of telling Uzi what to do.

Realistically N knew he wasn't a good leader, and it was in no way his skill set to give instructions. He obeyed what the leader said. He followed whatever aggressive female demanded his service. He was an employee not a boss.

Yet that only made the idea of giving an order more exciting- though twice as scary. N could have Uzi do something simple, like patch up his coat or give him an extra hug, but something else popped in his mind...something he'd always wondered about but never could say...

Back in the bunker~

"You happy with yourself N?"

Uzi was not pleased, glaring at N with the solver flickering on her visor as she stepped out of her room.

In a maid outfit.

N squealed at the sight of her. V had told him maid outfits were often sexualised, but he just found them adorable. It was especially adorable for Uzi, who despite grumbling she'd kill him for this- was secretly enjoying how happy it made N.

She'd gone from waking up hungover, to being dressed in a maid outfit.

Worst part is? This was the best day she'd had in a while.

"You seriously wasted your order on this?" Uzi remarked, surprised why N would go for something unlike him. "Well it does look cute on you" N explained, grinning as his tail wagged.

Uzi sighed, at this point she wasn't really blushing, just trying to find a good response to his flirts. It was pretty obvious they were both in love at this point- someone just had to say it- and by the way it was going it would probably have to be her...

Ugh...why am I the one who has to confess-

"I think I'm in love with you" N voice revealed.


N was blushing after blurting out that line, stammering as he seemed to try and cover his tracks, though it obviously wasn't working. Uzi grinned and blushed, doing that stupid trope of tucking her hair away, even though she didn't have ears.

Without a word Uzi stepped forward, going on her tiptoes to plant a kiss on N's cheek, finally shutting him up.

"I love you too".

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