MD Vampire AU Part 25

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It had been about 2 weeks since N & Uzi first tried for a baby, so Uzi was finally ready to take a test.
N was pacing outside Uzi's bathroom nervously, she had requested he wait for her to be done with the test so he wouldn't have to see her pee, though N didn't see why that would be any more violating than the other stuff they did together.

She said girls don't usually get pregnant on the first go right? So it's probably negative...and that's's going to be okay...

"N! Get in here!" Uzi yelled through the bathroom door. N's eyes widened as he heard her, she sounded panicked, was everything okay?!

Without hesitation N slammed open the bathroom door, spotting a terrified seeming Uzi standing in the centre of the room gazing at the little stick, her eyes flickered from him to the result. shouldn't have worked....we've only done it unprotected like once...

N heard Uzi's panicked thought, and felt his face drop, there's no way she was already pregnant- that was impossible!

"I...I'm pregnant N...we're having a baby..." Uzi muttered, still staring in shock at the result, nobody could ever get pregnant this quick- was it a vampire thing? Or just dumb luck?

N's felt himself wobble slightly as he stood, she was pregnant, with his child....they'd planned this...but it was so soon. Uzi clearly felt the same as she shook while standing.

"It's okay Uzi, come here" N mumbled, reaching for his girlfriend, who gazed up at him in fright. "It's so quick...we didn't even have time to- you know" Uzi panted, falling into N's embrace clumsily.

N kissed the top of Uzi's head softly and held her as close as possible. "Are you happy?" N asked, genuinely rubbing Uzi's arms up and down. Uzi took a second to think:

She was pregnant.
She was pregnant with a baby.
She was pregnant with N's baby.
She was pregnant with N's baby, who would eventually become a child, then a teen, then an adult.

I...I'm looking forward to it.

The reality of the situation dawned on Uzi and she felt her lips crack into a large grin, it didn't last long however as she slammed her mouth on N's for a moment, gripping his shoulders as she kissed him passionately.

"I'm having a baby N!!! We're having a baby!!!" Uzi yelled, pure joy in her voice as she practically climbed into N's arms. N grinned back and pulled her up into his embrace, she kissed him again and again all around his face, seemingly stuck in a state of pure joy. N was laughing his head off now, and could feel himself blushing at Uzi's aggressive affection.

If I knew it would make her this happy I'd have got her pregnant months ago.

Uzi heard N's thought and slowed her kisses, instead gazing up at N while she lightly nibbled his neck, he beamed down at her- his golden eyes meeting her purple. They were having a baby.

Two days later

"Oh shit! A baby?" Thad was sitting with Uzi in the entrance of the vampires cave, since he'd been with V for two weeks now the others had got used to him, it helped that he was able to keep V calm- a skill most of the other vampires lacked.

Uzi grinned back at Thad and gestured for him to poke her stomach, he did, and Uzi could see his face light up. "Dude! That's sick! Though we've still got a few more months until graduation- will you be okay?" Thad asked, sounding a mixture of concerned and excited.

The small vampire smiled back at him "Honestly I've got enough credit to graduate with or without finals, so I'm not worried, plus I'd rather have the baby than have the grades".

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