MD Vampire AU Part 30

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'I will love you more everyday, and I'll do whatever it takes to protect you and mummy, I won't be the perfect daddy- but I'll try my best to keep you happy- I promise babies'

Uzi climbed down from the cave entrance, panic overtaking her mind as she tried (and failed) to remain hopeful, N would be okay. He had to be. He had to be okay.

If Doll killed N during her alarmingly short pregnancy she'd have no mercy. Uzi still wasn't as strong as the other vampires but if someone touched N- they were dead- the idea of her twins inside her only made her more murderous. Nobody was ruining her family now. Nobody would take what was hers.

As Uzi dangerously descended the mountain, J flew up to her, "Uzi! What are you doing? You know how risky this is for you and the babies?" She barked, trying to take Uzi in her arms.

"N went after some sort of crash- he's in danger and I prefer my soulmate not dying!" Uzi yelled back, a mixture of emotions taking over her.

J's eyes widened as she scooped Uzi into her arms, they had to find N now, before something terrible happened. J may not have been the biggest fan of N, but he was still family to her, and a soon to be father.

The girls flew as quick as the could towards the crash sight, finding a small crater and a clasped tower, the buildings on Copper 9 were all weak from time- but they normally didn't fall unless someone slammed into them.

Either Doll or N must have hit a support beam to knock down one of that size. J also assumed that they'd have to have been flying incredibly fast to knock it down- she gave an exact number but Uzi was too busy panicking trying to spot N to listen.

They landed on the ring of the crater gently, J trying to her best to keep Uzi in her arms for safety us long as she could, Uzi growled and practically rolled out of J's arms- speeding down the ledge to try and spot N. She didn't care what happened to her- she even forgot about the babies for a moment- N was the only thing on her mind.

I swear to god, if Doll killed my soulmate- I'm draining all of her blood- I don't care if she's a vampire or not.

Uzi scaled down the pit and saw what looked like a figure laying down in the centre, the dust sped around her- making it hard to see who it was.

It was either N or Doll. One of which would likely kill her on sight, and the other who'd likely kiss her on sight. Not exactly a fair guess.

The dust slowly parted as J landed beside Uzi, having flown into the hole to join her, she placed a hand protectively on Uzi's shoulder. If N was the one injured, then Uzi would need to comforted, if it was Doll injured- then Uzi would need to be defended.

Either way J wasn't leaving Uzi's side, the dust parted and the figure seemed to be moving slowly, revealing white hair-

"N!" Uzi screamed, running from J straight to N, she practically threw herself at him. N fell back as Uzi landed on him and gripped his shoulders, "MINE!" she yelled, nuzzling onto him. N couldn't help but snicker, he was still wounded, but the broken ribs would fix themselves. They always did.

J shook her head at the two of them before another figure caught her eye, standing not far behind N was Doll, still in 'demon' form- glaring at all of them. J could see the hunger and desperation in Doll's eyes, but also a hint of something else, fear? Sadness?


As soon as J spotted this strange emotion on Doll's face, it vanished, pure hunger overtook Doll as she leaped towards N & Uzi- who were too distracted with each other to notice her approaching leap.

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