Guardian Angel Part 4

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N stood outside the girls bathroom nervously, Uzi had insisted she needed a moment alone after the whole mess in the hallway and practically jumped from N's arms when she saw the bathroom.

He felt awful, the first time Uzi had actually talked to her classmate in years ended with her getting practically dogpiled by the same people that bullied her, it was all his fault.

Sighing, N lent the back of his head against the wall, he could swear he heard sounds of crying from inside the bathroom- but he couldn't go in. Especially not when the hallways were still rather busy, students kept asking him if he was okay, more concerned for this random new kid than the one they'd known for years.

Maybe they sent the wrong angel...

N tipped his head at the thought, in all honesty- he wasn't the best at his job- in fact a lot of his peers considered him useless, he was lovable but that was it. Aside from his 'attractive personality' he was pretty much nothing.

The moment of doubt came to an end at the sound of the bathroom door reopening, N turned quick and saw Uzi stumbling out, clearly she'd been crying- and by the looks of it quite aggressively.

"N, I think you should go back to heaven or something" Uzi claimed, sounding completely defeated. N gapped at her straight forward request, he knew he'd messed up, but was she really ready to quit so soon?

The hallways quietened around them as most workers headed to their classrooms, N looking Uzi up and down with concern, practically shaking at how cold she was being.

Uzi sighed and finally looked at N, her expression was firm, but N could sense her uncertainty. "N, thanks for trying, but you're not going to fix everything- you just can't" She paused at the sight of N's face, he was tearing up again, this time his entire face seemed to quiver.

She's right N, you failed her, you can't fix this now.

The toxic thoughts came swimming back into N's mind, Uzi had stopped, giving him a moment to reflect on today's failure. It had only been a day, yet Uzi already gave up, gave up on him.

"N..I...I just don't know what to do" Uzi confessed, her own eyes welling up again as she stood beside N, she really was lost for how to handle the situation.

She wanted things to be better, and N was definitely doing his best, but the rest of the colony couldn't be changed from one perky angel.

A moment of sniffles passed when Uzi felt a hand on her shoulder, she glanced up and N was staring down at her, golden eyes flickering as his tears disappeared.

Is he angry?

No. No he wasn't. This was N. He would never get angry at her.

"Uzi, do you remember what you wrote all those years ago?" He questioned.

The small worker thought for a second, she had no clue what she'd written all those years ago, all Uzi knew was how desperate she was when she first wrote it. N tipped his head at her uncertainty, tipping his head again as Uzi tried to recall her wording, he couldn't help but smile slightly at her struggle. N had never seen how cute humans expressions were before.

Eventually Uzi gave up and shook her head at N, who smiled softly at her, "You said that god would know what to do, and you believed they could fix things" he claimed, eyes shinning brighter.

Uzi almost shook at his sincerity, his kindness, his bright eyes- she knew N was from the heavens, but this was something else...

"You may not believe in me, and that's fine, I screwed up- but please let heaven give you another angel- someone who can answer your prayer" N offered, sounding genuine.

He was offering to trade? Did he really think he couldn't do this?

Would another angel do better?

The small worker considered everything in her mind, she'd known N less than a day, but already had trusted him with so much...she already felt some kind of connection to him.

Whoever in heaven had answered her prayer offered her an angel, and if she refused him she could have another one, one that may be more able to finish the task set.

But loosing N...?

N was the most energetic and lovable person Uzi had ever met, not that it was a high bar, his only crime was being too lovable- that's what caused the incident earlier, that and Lizzy.

Uzi's face clouded over at that name, and N seemed to read her expression, carefully placing a hand on her shoulder in an attempt of comfort. "N, I don't think I'm ever going to get affection from anyone in the colony, at least not as much as I probably asked for" Uzi explained, leaning on N's side subconsciously.

The angel whimpered a little at the harsh reality of her words- Uzi was probably right- but he couldn't accept her living an unloving life! Nobody deserved to be unloved.

Especially someone who's been through so much...

"Uzi, what do you want? If you want a new angel you can have one, if you want me to leave I'll leave, if you want me to keep trying I'll do my best" N decided, turning Uzi slightly to look in his eyes.

Gold met purple as the two of them looked at each other, Uzi blushed aggressively but didn't pull back, N wasn't sure what the thudding in his robotic chest was- but assumed it was just a drone thing.

A moment passed when a gasp was heard from behind N, the two turned and saw none other than Thad, who had a mixture of embarrassment and curiosity on his face.

Uzi's visor went completely purple "IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" She screamed, making Thad rub the back of his head and grimace slightly.

"I...Sorry...I just wanted to apologise for the mess earlier, I know I acted weird after was Lizzy said, and you kinda got dogpiled" Thad said, looking directly into Uzi's eyes.

She gazed back at him, transfixed by the idea of such an apology, he genuinely seemed concerned about her.

N grinned at the two of them, hands shaking slightly with excitement as he tipped his head at Uzi, he was telling her to go on.

So she did, "It's okay Thad, I know it's been a while, you've still got a game to show me." Uzi's voice was unusually chipper and clear, making Thad surprised at first, but grin at the realisation of her tone.

The two workers talked for a few minutes, N purposely keeping his mouth shut, he preferred to watch them talk- to watch Uzi speak.

She's doing it!

As if reading N's mind, Uzi glanced up at him with a smile, the bell rang and Thad instantly sped to class- waving a quick goodbye at the others before he left.

"I want you to stay N, but we're setting some rules okay? Like who we're going to let be around when I make friends, and my dad is off limits until I say so, got it?" Uzi claimed, looking up at N cheerfully.

N clapped his hands and squealed adorably, he was given another chance, he was really starting to like Uzi!

The female grinned back at him, N really was the perfect angel, today was hard- but they'd figure it out.

As the two walked to class, N almost felt sad- not about the morning incident, but about Uzi's actual request all those years ago.

I want to feel loved- like someone is always there for me and cares about me- Just one person is enough.

Just one person.

If N found someone to bring Uzi joy, he'd have to leave her, and for some strange reason- he really didn't want that.

Worry about it later N! Focus!

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