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CALYPSO spent the entire summer alone, her home was full of people, her six siblings who bounced between their Upton estate and the several others they took up residency. Her parents were too wrapped up with each other to notice whenever she would enter the room. Not even a loud fake cough or shattering glass would break them from their love-bound spell.

So Calypso had no choice but to occupy herself like she had been doing throughout her adolescence. Books mainly kept her company, well until television flashed before her and she made friends with the people on the screen. Sure she called her friends, who startled her with their active lives. They asked about what she was getting up to, and the answer was always the same, up to no good. It wasn't a lie. She really was, a quick fuck here and a few books there, until the words on the page didn't quench her thirst. After all, she was a university student who needed fun, and so she found it, all over town until pleasure faded and she had no choice but to find long-lasting love between the ancient tales she read.

She wanted love, she craved it.

And when she arrived on campus again she saw it, standing as tall as the clouds, sporting a nice blue jumper, and holding a cigarette. And so she smiled, no, she wore a Disney-like-grin and picked up her step.

"Well if it isn't the spoilt brat?" Farleigh's remark, made everyone follow his amused gaze as they gathered in the courtyard.

"Like you're one to talk Farls," Calypso teased, quickly being met with welcomes and hellos from Oxford's most infamous college.

Her light and lure were effortless and travelled to the small group like a virus. She either received a hug or small talk before her gaze landed on what belonged to Felix Catton; the knight and shining armour of the university. His white cloak and the sword were his cheeky smile and cigarette, the latter he dropped to the ground to pick Calypso up, neglecting to see the envy splattered across some of their faces.

"I've missed you," he mumbled into her neck as she snaked her arms around his, legs wrapping around his waist.

She was lucky she was wearing jeans or her whole world would be on show.

Her heart fluttered as she whispered, "I've missed you too."

"If you're not gonna fuck her, you should put her down Felix," Farleigh called out after taking another drag, nauseated by how they stared into each other's eyes. It was always like that, yet admitting feelings was never on the table, so instead they fucked other people in private and acted like a couple in public. "At least let the girl unpack."

"I could help you," Felix offered, carefully placing her down next to a displeased Annabel.

India stood near Farleigh, forcing herself to pay more attention to the smoke drifting around them than the affectionate scene.

Calypso waved her off, "Already done."

Felix nodded slowly, keeping his eyes solely on her as he shuffled closer.

Alicia questioned, "Did one of your fit brothers help?"

That seemed to uplift some of the girl's moods. The Danforth brothers were royalty around there despite not being alumni. They were notorious for being good-looking and total catches until they got bored and focused on someone else. Players, unlike their parents, but what's wrong with a bit of eye candy?

Felix caught the stiffening of Calypso's shoulders as she answered, "As if they would come here, they're busy and it's too mad for them."

"Not all of them," Farliegh muttered as Jake joined them and said a quick hello to the Danforth girl.

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