𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊

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CALYPSO woke up to a bedside table full of necklaces. Elspeth reportedly told her son to get one that looks like her priceless dove. Some were various birds, the rest were very similar but Calypso knew and she wouldn't wear another, so she was without her dove.

Felix had been apologising on behalf of his mother, annoyed that she thought this was a good solution when he had been up all night searching whilst his love slept burdened with nightmares. He regretfully questioned the birthday boy throughout the night before giving up to catch some rest.

When he woke he mentioned how he had talked to Oliver's mum and how she sounded coherent, and healthy, making Calypso's suspicions grow. Felix had answered the call when Oliver hadn't been around and considered taking him as a birthday present and Calypso didn't hesitate to agree.

"It's the only family he has left. He should see her for his birthday," Calypso encouraged, standing between his legs as he finished spraying his aftershave.

"Yeah, that's really nice of you Cali. Really sweet," his infectious smile grew on her face.

Her heart swelled at the praise, "You know me."

"Yes, I do. And I'm sorry about the necklace. I told mum to leave it but she insisted that a Lady's neck shouldn't be bare and she got so used to seeing you with one so."

"It's fine. Trust me, it was only a nervy b, we all have one, I just did over a necklace," her hands senselessly reached to palm neck.

Noting her dimming mood he pressed kisses, trailing from her lips down to her bare spot.

"I know it meant a lot to you," he mumbled against her honey-scented skin.

"Sir James said as they set up the party, we'll look to see if there are any doves so I don't miss my necklace."

He beamed, "How nice."

She nodded, "Very, drive safe and keep your phone on."

"I love you," Felix said, standing up and bringing her to a warm embrace.

"I love you too."


Calypso spent the day, listening to Lily Allen, trying to calm her mood but it did the opposite. All she could think about was Oliver. She hated him. Farleigh was gone, and Venetia wouldn't read between the lines until it was too late. Oliver drank their bath water...allegedly, he clung to Felix like a shadow, was he obsessed? In love? Or did he just want to be him? She had a feeling he took her necklace, and wanted to make her look insane, so she had to behave the exact opposite. Summer break was ending, and she wanted to graduate and make her parents acknowledge an achievement.

So she would play along with the game she was convinced Oliver was playing. Dress up for his party shortly after she and Sir James concluded their bird watching. Monika would be showing up soon and no doubt to see both her and Farleigh.

So that begged the question, would Farleigh be allowed back?

"Farleigh," she said, looking over at his uncle.

Sir James snapped his head towards her, pulling back his binoculars and settling down his snacks.

"Did you say something dear?"

"He made a mistake," no he didn't. "He's an idiot," no he isn't. "And he loves you all," no he doesn't. "Is he allowed to come back? He's family and should attend an event his family is hosting right?"

Sir James stammered for a moment, "My capricious nephew will attend tonight's festivities."

He in actuality, had felt tremendously guilty for sending Farleigh away without being certain of his crimes and had been planning on inviting him back already.

"Oh," Calypso breathed out, grateful she didn't have to do much to change his mind. "That's great."

"And apologies for the loss of your beloved necklace."

She offered him a small smile, "I wish we saw a dove before they leave for September."

"We must keep hope Calyspo," he squeezed her shoulder as they looked across the green, now being flooded full of decorations.

"Yes, I must."

"And I was on the phone with your father," he missed the hurt swimming through her eyes. "He said he was unaware you were here."

She gulped and bowed her head, "I told him before. He must not have been listening."

"Well, he knows now," he reassured, although she thought her father would neglect to care,  "Ooh, I must hurry, put on my suit of honour before the guests start arriving."

"It will look splendid."

He smiled gratefully in response.


An hour went by, and Calypso was freshly waxed, make-up delicately applied and costume lightly resting against her figure. A stunning ivory butterfly corset shimmered against her toned torso, with a pearl skirt encircling her waist and barely covering her behind with a sheer undercover. She topped off her slutty angel costume with glistening wings and cute white hair jewellery to complement her flowing braids.

As she was finishing spraying glitter spray on her legs, an uncharacteristically annoyed Felix threw open her room door.

"Honey, how was the trip? I take it didn't go well," she shuffled over after he made sure the door shut behind him.

"You look angelic," he would've been salivating if it wasn't for him reeling at the lies he'd been told. He made sure to compliment her first, it was impossible not to. His palms were sweaty and his heart raced. "And no it didn't go well," he gently kissed a kiss to her lips before flopping onto her bed.

Calypso internally screamed as she straddled his waist, looking like the goddess he knew she was, the only thing missing was her necklace.

"What happened?"

"You were right," Felix groaned when she trailed kisses over his neck. "Oliver is a snake. He's leaving after his party."

Calypso's eyes twinkled with mirth, "Good. he'll be gone and we'll be alone at last. Happier than ever."

He agreed, "Happier than ever."



https://pin.it/3vgFtX3sh (the top that she's wearing) https://pin.it/7xN0UiMOa (her wings) https://pin.it/31LSKbTkT (pearl skirt) https://pin.it/pZWG5h5y1 (hair)

happier than ever... in this world is that possible? but can we have a little commotion for calypso danforth everyone?!

 in this world is that possible? but can we have a little commotion for calypso danforth everyone?!

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