𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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"VEE, what the fuck is going on?" Felix asked his sister as he Calypso and Oliver all crouched around the top of the spiral staircase.

Venetia shushed him, "It's Farleigh."

Oliver softly asked, "What happened?"

"He tried to nick something."

Calypso didn't believe that, she could hear the faint arguing and Farleigh pleading with his aunt to believe him.

Felix gasped, "What are you talking about?"

Venetia softly scoffed,  "He's a fucking idiot."

"He's not a fucking idiot, he wouldn't do that," Calypso mumbled.

They heard Duncan demand, "Move!"

And with Elspeth's pleading Farleigh was escorted out.

Felix's soft eyes widened,  "Fuck."

That caught his mother's attention and they quickly dispersed.


"I mean, it's outrageous!" Venetia exclaimed, sunbathing on the small dock hovering over the pond.

The heat was even more outrageous, they all were spread out of the green, close to the edge of the pond, wearing swimsuits. Felix sat next to Oliver who had his knees to his chest and Calypso resting on a towel, wearing her prescription sunglasses as she tried to block out the speculation.

Oliver questioned, "What actually happened?"

Felix informed, "He sent an email to Sotheby's to say that he'd 'come by' some Palissy plates."

Venetia scoffed, "I mean, the idiot. He had to have known that Dad went to school with the chairman. I mean, talk about biting the hand. And Mum and Dad would give him anything he asked for."

"Yeah, well, obviously he got sick of asking."

"That's ridiculous. He's more spoilt than we are."

Calypso rolled her eyes, pulling out her phone to text Farleigh that she would try and convince his aunt and uncle to have him back, even though it was likely they would, everything was too stressful right now. She missed Farleigh and it had only been an hour, the guy was a prick but he held a place in her heart. He was the one to give her the nickname River – a bad joke about how it was Felix's middle name but it just stuck.

"I mean, come on, Vee. You... You have to admit. It's a little bit dark, him having to go to Mum and Dad with a begging bowl," Felix huffed.

"Oh, boo-fucking-hoo."

Calypso snapped, "Have a fucking brain. He didn't do anything."

"How would you know, trouble?" they all turned to her.

"He's your cousin," Calypso sat up, eyes darting between the siblings. "he's not thick enough to steal something belonging to any of you or anything at all, I mean for Christ's sake Felix you and him have matching rings," her love sheepishly glanced down at his signet ring. "There are certainly other people in this house more inclined to steal. Farleigh is a shit-stirring prick but not a liar," she targeted Oliver briefly. "Nor a thief. He's your cousin and you're all so quick to dispose of him."

"We're not disposing of him," Felix tried, but she only shook her head.

"You'll probably do the same to me next."

𝐑𝐮𝐬𝐡  ━━ F. CattonWhere stories live. Discover now