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"CHRISTOPHER is the oldest. He's a third, can you imagine that? I know my family is a bit extra but hearing my name across three generations would be a bit unoriginal. He's a nice bloke CJ — what everyone used to call him, almost thirty now." Felix breathed out, lying on his dorm room floor with the cascading rays of golden light spread across his bare chest. "Then there's Charles or Charlie. Irish twins, him and CJ, because they were born less than a year apart. Mum says it was because Christopher the Second wanted to trap Desdemona. I mean I've seen her and I understand."

"Is that your plan then? To trap Cali?" Oliver dared to ask, rather reluctantly, with his shadow looming over Felix.

Felix halfheartedly laughed at the question he didn't deny, instead, he continued listing the Danforth's.

"Then there's Camden: the wild one. Farleigh used to be obsessed with him before he got engaged. But then again, it's obvious they still shag from time to time," his amusement faltered when he moved on to one of the younger brothers, "Then there's Colton."

"Who's with Monika?" Oliver shifted on the window seal, intrigued by the shift in tone.

Felix chuckled, "She's not with him, mate. And that guy doesn't care who he's with."

"Did you two used to be friends?" Oliver wondered although it was clear.

Felix took a drag of his cigarette, pondering his response.

"Yeah, something like that. Just like the twins. Cade and Caspian. The youngest brothers, twenty-two now, were a racket. They all are at times, that and extremely handsome. Some went to Exeter, and the rest just live off their dad, understandable because investment property makes a ton. And Sanguine houses; their business is real estate and that's where new money is at or has been I don't fucking know. I mean Olly you should see the houses they own in this country and all the others. Huge, fat houses."

Oliver pressed, "Sounds like a treat, but why aren't you close to the twins?"

Felix frowned, "Just fell out over something stupid that's all."

"Where are they now?"

"Stretched across the globe imagine, they all like to shift like tectonic plates. One Danforth for every continent," and Cali's here with me. "Cali's parents are here, in their estate, all loved up, it's sickening but cute I suppose."

Oliver hummed, "Must be nice for Cal."

"You'd think that. But they don't give her any attention, make her feel like shit. It's horrible, all that love and they can't share it with their children especially not the only girl."

"Well, now it makes sense," Oliver decided to say, confusing Felix who angled his head up.

"What does?"

"The way she acts. She clings to you like she needs your attention," Oliver explained, earning a look of confusion.

"I wouldn't say that."

"I thought that was obvious, seems like a performance, a show that she puts on just to get something out of you, that she can't get from her mum and dad,"

Felix sat up, scrunching his face in contempt, "Don't be a prick," his reaction stunned Oliver, "Have some compassion, Olly."

"I-I do, I was just making a connection," Oliver stammered.

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