𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗

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"I'M sorry what?" Calypso believed she misheard as she stood in the middle of Felix's surprisingly tidy room.

Sitting on the edge of his bed he repeated, "I thought it would be nice. I haven't told him yet, but it was just a suggestion."

"Buy Oliver a bouquet or something not have him come to Saltburn," she rushed out, suppressing the urge to throw up her arms.

Felix bit the side of his cheek, "It's a suggestion, Cali."

"I mean — you told me yesterday to stay away from him. You wanted to stay away from him," she pointed out.

"His dad just died, it's terrible news, terrible," Felix felt guilty for how quickly he tried to cast Oliver aside especially before he received such tragic news.

Calypso vigorously, "It is, very terrible," very convenient.

"And his mum is an addict."

"You've told me," she sighed, wincing at the thought.

Felix rose from his bed, "He can't go home. I thought I would tell him after the ball."

He changed his mind so quickly, so fucking quickly. Calypso's head echoed with thoughts. She was confused, and extremely concerned. She was drowning in worry. How bad can Oliver be?

"You find the truth about someone in close proximity. But honestly Felix, it's a bit soon. You just met the guy," Calypso tried to reason.

"He needs some support. He has no one, come on, you know what that feels like."

Calypso's face fell with haste drawing a look of regret from Felix.

He gulped, "Cali..."

He blinked and a forced smile breached her face, "It's fine, right as rain. Invite whoever you want. I'm off to my room, need to order the new Rihanna album. 'Good Girl Gone Bad'. Sounds right up my alley I can't wait."

Felix reached out, "I thought you wanted to..."

"See you later Felix," she stepped back as he stood up and moved forward.

"Don't leave in a strop," he felt sick by the thought.

"I'm not. It's fine."

"You're not fine. You're frowning, come here," he stepped closer, pained by her expression.

She stubbornly shook her head, "No."

"Cali, we're supposed to watch that Jawbreaker film. It's one of your favourites," he had it all set up on his laptop for her.

He went out to buy the DVD for stress relief before she had to turn in her final draft.

"We can watch it later."

"I never meant that you were lonely or anything," he took her in his arms before she could flee. "You're one of my favourite people. You are my favourite person."

"Are you sure? You are spending an awful lot of time with Oliver," she pouted, looking up at him.

"It's not the same and never will be. Now come on, let's watch Jawbreaker. Sit down and stop stropping."


"Icarus flew too close to the sun, after ignoring Daedalus's instructions, his angelic wings melted because of the beeswax before he fell from the sky and plummeted into the sea where he drowned," Calypso answered, sitting opposite Monika in the vast library.

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