𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖔

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"CALI and I have always been friends. Her mum knew mine through modelling, then our dads realized they had a passion for shooting pheasants and watering plants." Felix relayed everything to his new friend Oliver. After the night at the Kings Arms, they had gotten close, extremely close. Oliver practically clung to his shadow. "People think she's this outgoing person, she is, but she's very kind, sometimes too much but she doesn't let it show."

"Is she scared of letting people in?" Oliver awkwardly shifted in his chair, surveying Felix's excitement whenever he talked about Calypso.

Felix shrugged, "Isn't everyone?"

"Not you," Felix chuckled at his retort. "But are you really friends? You act very close, India and Annabel shoot daggers at her whenever she walks into a room."

"They're possessive. But I don't really date."

"Wouldn't have guessed that. But you and Cali —" Felix's briefly hardening face made Oliver realize how true Farleigh's statement about her was. "Calypso," he corrected, "do you like her?"

"How could you not, look at her."

His tone was so enthusiastic, it was almost like she was in the room.

"I would but you'd have my eyes if I did for too long," Oliver joked, putting a warm smile on Felix's face.

After taking a long drag Felix replied, "She's not mine."

"But you want her to be?" Oliver subtly leaned in.

"Do I want to fuck her?" Felix laughed.

"Do you want to love her?" Oliver gingerly asked.

Felix already started, from when he noticed the scent of the shower gel she used to when she changed it to mango, he could've sworn that was his favoured flavour. The times her hair curls grew tighter with water and dripped with oil that her scalp absorbed. The giggle she let out at the show she was watching, Sex and the City, had a special place in her heart which Felix was forced to watch. All the instances she pushed up her glasses when they slid down her nose, pulled up her jeans that hung around her curves and flipped through pages of books she ranted to him about drew him closer, like Icarcus to the sea that caught him in the end.

Felix loved Calypso, possessively so.


Calypso danced like she and the music were one, the beat didn't move her, she controlled it, pulling at the drums, swaying to the symphonies and lip-syncing to the lyrics, putting on a show for all to see.

The strobe lights jumped around the room as she nodded her head, gossiping in the corner with Farleigh as he stared ahead, narrowing his eyes at how Felix catered to Oliver, shielding him from the cold eyes of their upperclassmen.

It was pathetic to him, seeing someone leach off his family.

"Come on Farls, dance with me," Calypso pulled him from the side, careful that his party hats didn't drop and twirled around him.

"Nice to see you in your fuck me pumps."

"They feel great," she teased, making him genuinely laugh as they pranced around, "It's never over, all my blood for the sweetness of her laughter."

Farleigh dropped his dismay as he danced with the girl, "it's never over," they belted out the nineties hit.

"She's the tear that hangs inside my soul forever!" Calypso's eyes scanned the room, landing on Felix when she finished the lyric.

𝐑𝐮𝐬𝐡  ━━ F. CattonWhere stories live. Discover now