Chapter 2: The Mystery Shack?

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You woke up to rainbow colored light flooding your bedroom, from the stained glass window. You sat up, yawning and stretching. You rubbed your eyes as you stood up. You decided you'd get an early start on the day, you were still curious about that locked book and figured you had nothing better to do. You got dressed and did your morning routine. You put on a light sweatshirt of your favorite color, then you grab the book, slipping it into one of the large inside pockets.

You ran downstairs, greeting your aunt who was sipping some tea or maybe coffee while watching the news.
"There's some cereal in the cupboard if your hungry for some breakfast." She informed you.
"Thanks!" You replied as you headed towards the cupboard. Then pulled out a box of fruit loops. You ate your breakfast quickly, then put your dishes away, you were ready to go.
"I'm gonna go uh.. Exploring!" You told your aunt.
"Alright, hon, have fun!" She said with a sweet smile.
You headed out the door and started walking. When you first arrived you had heard a lot about some place called 'The Mystery Shack'. Sounds interesting enough to check out. You though since that was as good enough place to start as any.
You walked down a shortcut path through the woods, which you were almost positive lead to the mystery shack. Though the whole time you had this creepy feeling, like someone was watching you. And you don't get this feeling often, only if someone's really watching you. Which crept you out even more. You started jogging, getting a little more nervous with each step. The path started slowly clearing out until you cam upon a building.

It definitely was a shack alright. It was old and rickety, all made out of wood. The letters saying 'Mystery Shack' lost the 'S' so it was more of 'Mystery hack." You looked up at it, wondering how this small, old place got all that big talk. You looked behind you once more, you still had that creepy feeling as if someone was watching you. You took a breath and started walking up to the door. You knocked once, feeling kind of awkward. The door swung open and a boy around your age or a little younger stood there.
"Oh uh, h-hi! Welcome to the mystery shack! Are you new? I don't think I've seen you before..." He held out his hand. "My uh.. My name's Dipper, Dipper Pines."
You gave a small smile and took his hand, shaking it lightly.
"The name's [Y/N]. Nice to meet you, Dipper. Yeah, I just arrived in gravity falls last night..."
"Well welcome to gravity falls! C'mon in, I'll introduce you to my sister Mabel! Also I could show you around the mystery shack if you'd like." Dipper offered.
"Um okay sure, I suppose.." You said nervously, you were a bit socially awkward and didn't like being around people too much, but you guessed meeting some new friends wouldn't be so bad.

On the way to go meet Mabel you passed through the gift shop section, a red haired teenage girl sat behind the register, reading a magazine. Dipper gestures to her.
"That's Wendy, hey Wendy! This is [Y/N] she's new here."
Wendy looks up from her magazine. "Sup, welcome dude!" She says greeting you and Dipper. You waved with a quiet "hey." You then looked over to see a strange man weeping the floor, while staring at the vending machine.
"That's Soos, hey Soos!" Dipper said as he introduced the man-child.
"Yo, dawg!" Soos said, pulling his attention away from the vending machine to give a quick wave.

You and Dipper then walked into the living room where a girl sat in the middle of the floor, watching what appeared to be the newest episode of duck-tective. The girl looked a lot like Dipper, with the same brunette hair and same eyes. She jumped up when she saw you and Dipper. She looked straight at you with s big smile full of braces.
"Oh my gosh, are you new?! Hi! My name is Mabel!! My brother is Dipper and I own a pig!!" She said with tons of enthusiasm.
You smiled and laughed quietly.
"Hi! My names [Y/N]"
"It's great to meet you, [Y/N]!!" Mabel said full of smiles.
You smiled too, you liked this girl. She was pretty cool. Both twins were. You had a feeling you might like this place.

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