Chapter 3: Mysteries

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"So.. You said you have a pig?" You asked Mabel, trying to get a conversation going.
"Oh, yes! Ooh, I'll go get him for you right now!!" She said quickly, then ran off, heading up a case of stairs. You then turn your attention to Dipper.

"Listen I gotta I ask you something." You told Dipper, hoping you could see if he knew something about the book you found.
"Y-Yeah sure, what's that?" Dipper questioned in return.
"Well, I was wondering if you knew anything about the real mysteries about this town?" You questioned. Dipper gasped and his eyes lit up slightly.
"Yes!" He took an old book out of his vest. It was red and torn in a few places. In the middle it had a golden hand with a number 3 in it. "This book holds all the mysteries of this town. But if I you don't mind me asking, how'd you get interested in Gravity fall's mysteries?"
"Well-" You started but got interrupted by Mabel coming up to you, she was holding a cute pink pig.

"This is my pig, waddles!" She said holding him out
"Awe, he's so cute." You said with a smile. You reached out and gave him a soft pat on the head, he oinks happily. Mabel sets him down then looks back up at you and Dipper.

"Sooo, what were you two talking 'bout?"
"Well [Y/N] here was just wondering about the mysteries of Gravity Falls." Dipper answers.
"Yeah I was curious because I found this strange book." You say while pulling out the old worn navy blue book. "It's strange because it's locked up with a peculiar lock..." You showed dipper the lock, it glinted its gold color. You hadn't noticed before but there was an eye etched into the background, behind the triangle key hole. Dipper's eyes got wide and he took a step back.

"[Y/N], I would get rid of that book as soon as possible, that can't be anything but bad news." He said, almost nervously. You looked at Dipper with a bit of confusion, and crossed your arms.
"Um... Why?" You ask curiously.
"Well I can only think of one thing that symbol means, and that's Bill Cipher. Anything related to Bill is bad. He's a demon, he tried to help this kid Gideon steal the shack. Then he possessed my body and tried to steal my journal! He's pure evil and you should avoid him at all costs!!" Dipper replies.
"Yeah, he's a big meanie." Mabel adds on.

"Okay... But still, what if the book holds some sort of secret? If it belongs to the demon you speak of it could be very powerful...." You say while staring at the front of the book.
"Well if it is powerful it's best it's hidden from Bill, or protected. That's probably why it was hidden in the first place. But if you really want to find some answers I suppose maybe we could go searching.." Dipper offers hesitantly. You grin, that's exactly what you were hoping for. Maybe you could find something while searching with these two.
"Sounds good, let's go." You say as you start walking towards the door.

You, Dipper, and Mabel walk through the forest, looking around for anything suspicious. Dipper has his nose in his journal as he flips through it, looking for anything that could help. Though your pretty sure you hear him muttering that this was a bad idea.
"Oh c'mon Dipper what's the worst that could happen?" You say as you walk over to him.
"I don't know, probably a lot of things." He replies. You give a shrug.
"But I'm willing to help you, I mean we both seem to like mysteries." Dipper says with a grin as he looks up from his journal. You smile,
"Thanks Dip!" You reply, you then look to your right and see a part of the woods that seems much darker than everywhere else. You gesture to it with your thumb.
"That looks kind of suspicious.... I'm gonna go check it out." You announce.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Dipper offers.
"Thanks but I think you should stay here with Mabel..."
"Oh... Okay..." He sounds a little disappointed. "Please be careful, [Y/N]" Dipper tells you. You feel your checks heat up a little.
"Don't worry, I will be." You reassure him as you start walking into the creepy dark part of the forest.

At first your extremely curious, but once you loose sight of Dipper and Mabel, you start to feel like this was a very bad idea. You move slowly along, taking small steps. You start to feel like you should go back, when you hear a strange voice speak from behind you.
"Why, hello there beautiful."
You whirl around to see the speaker of the voice. You can see him slightly through the dark, but what allows you to see him most is the strange golden glow around him. He looks only a little bit older than you, maybe 16-17.

He wears a mischievous grin, he looks at you with his one eye, as the other one is covered up with a triangle shaped eye patch. He has blonde bangs, slightly sweeping over the top of his eyes, with black hair underneath. He wears a top hat and bow tie, with a yellow tuxedo, that has a strange pyramid design on it. You gasp as he seemed to appear out of now where. You take a nervous step back.

"Oh, c'mon sugar, don't be scared. I won't hurt you, if you cooperate." The strange man tells you.
"W-Who are you?!!?" You stutter out.
"I'm surprised you can't figure it out, the names Bill Cipher." He answers your question.
Bill Cipher.... Why does that name sound familiar to you? That's right, Dipper was warning you about him, saying that he's evil and can't be trusted. You clutch your book close to your chest.
"What do you want?!" You ask, surprised you were able to muster the courage to get it out.
"Well, first let me thank you for finding my book, I thought that was gone forever."

Now you understand, it's obvious. He wants the book. But you remember what Dipper said, about it being potentially dangerous. There must be a reason it was hidden from him, there's no way you're gonna let Bill have it.
"I'm not letting you have this book!!" You announce to him.
"Oh really? Well let me ask you this, what are you going to do with it? Because as far as I know, I'm the only one with the key." Bill says as a golden key with a triangle tip appears in his hand.
"I-I don't care! I have no idea what's in this book, and there has to be a reason it was hidden away! So I'm not letting you have it."
Bill sighs, he looks at you with a look like he's thinking.
"Y'know what? Fine... But perhaps we can make a deal....."

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