Chapter 11: Is This The End?

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Bill burst out laughing, how could he not? You, a human, had just challenged him. You gulp, the evil and mischievous look in Bill's one large eye making you starting to regret your decision of standing up to him. But really, you were already screwed were you not? So, you might as well take all the chances you had, no turning back now!
"What was that?" Bill questioned, amusement lacing his voice, giving you a chance to just give up like a smart girl.
"I-I said I'm not going to let you do this! You won't win this easily Bill!"
Bill floated down so he was eye level with you. He did think your eyes were quite beautiful. The vibrant (e/c) hues were rather enchanting. It was strange for him to think something was beautiful, however like all his other emotions for you he simply pushed that thought aside. He had to focus, and you certainly weren't making this easy. So he'd have to do this quickly. Bill started advancing towards you, a twisted smile upon his lips. However, you could clearly see through the facade. You saw uncertainty in his eye, though, was it enough to change his mind? You knew he wanted Dipper's journal, but after what had happened between you and the demon, would he really pick that over you? Honestly, you didn't doubt he would, and that sent another wave of fear through you. Your knees shook, but like the brave soul you were, you continued to stand your ground. You would use this slight uncertainty against Bill. Intaking a sharp breath you found new courage, staring at Bill with your vibrant (e/c) eyes. Bill was right in front of you, yet he still hesitated, great, this was your chance.
"Wait Bill!" You said forcefully, causing him to rightfully raise an eyebrow at you in question.
"Don't do this Bill... After all that we've done... I-.... I can't stand to see that go to waist. All because of a journal. You would give me up, because of that? Think about it, I know you're a demon and all, but what treasure is more precious?" You questioned. You were honestly surprised with yourself, you were finally letting your frustration out, and you didn't feel as scared anymore. Even more so as you saw Bill's expression, he blinked his one eye, caught off guard. His expression quickly hardened again though as he looked at you, what you said was true, but what was the demon to do?

A/n: hello all my precious readers! Terribly sorry for the short chapter after the long wait, but hopefully I can get more ideas rolling and get more chapters out. I've decided to make this longer with no sequel, but perhaps after I'm done with this I'll do a separate dipper X reader. I left off at a bit of a cliffhanger, cause who doesn't love those?! XD but hopefully I can get another chapter out fairly quick, so Thankyou for sticking with this and I hope you enjoyed.

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