Chapter 9: Northwest Party part 2

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You whirled around to see the owner of the hand that had been put on your shoulder. You looked up and gasped slightly.
"Bill?!" You said in a hushed tone looking at the nicely dressed dream demon in front of you.
"Hello sweetheart~" Bill said smoothly, a smirk upon his face.
"First, don't call me that." You said crossing your arms.
"Second, how the heck did you get in here?!" You question, though you couldn't help but feel happy he was here.
"Oh c'mon sweetie, don't act like you're not happy to see me. As far as how I got into the party, I have my ways."
"Oh..." Was all you replied, though you got ready to say something else when Bill cut you off.
"Would you like to dance?" He said smirking and holding his hand out to you. You sighed slightly, you weren't a big dancer, you never had been. In fact you weren't very good at all. Though you figured you might as well try. I mean, Bill was offering. You reached your hand out hesitantly, taking Bill's. Bill pulled you into him and started dancing. He was surprisingly good, both of you moved in sync to the elegant music. You smiled slightly, perhaps this night wasn't going to be a total bust like you had thought.
~Bill's Point of  View~
This was it, I had (Y/n) in my grasp. She wasn't even expecting anything. Also Pine Tree and Shooting Star weren't paying attention. I smirked deviously. I looked around the large ballroom, until I spotted a dark looking hallway, leading off somewhere. I started carefully leading (Y/n) to the hall. I gazed down at her, as she gracefully followed my lead. She looked quite beautiful right now, in the (f/c) dress she was wearing.
No, what am I thinking. I can't let this silly human emotions poison my mind. I was getting close to (Y/n) for all but one reason. To get close to the Pines Twins, once I did that I could get my hands on the journals. That was my one goal, I couldn't forget that.
I spun (Y/n) down the hallway, stopping by a door and opening it, pulling her into the dark room that appeared to be a spare bedroom. I then shut the door and looked at    (Y/n). All I had to do was possess her.
~General Point Of  View~
You looked at the shut door, before your eyes flickered back up to Bill. It was a bit hard to see his expression in the darkened room, since your eyes had yet to adjust. Nervousness exploded inside you. What was Bill going to do? He was a demon, he could do anything. Making it hard to you to suspect what he was planning. Though you soon found out when Bill grabbed your hand, your vision started to go fuzzy and you soon found yourself going into complete unconsciousness as Bill entered your mindscape.

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