Chapter 8: Northwest Party part 1

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Timeskip to the next day~
You eyes fluttered open to sunlight flooding your room. You yawned and started to crawl out of bed. You started to think about last night. The way you stomped out of the mystery shack. Perhaps you had overreached a bit. Though Dipper shouldn't have been saying those things about Bill, you honestly didn't think he was that bad. Thinking about Bill and your date the night before, your face heated up.
Were you blushing?! Why? You didn't really even like him that much right? He was a demon! But even so, just thinking about him made your heart flutter.
You shook your head, trying to get the handsome dream demon out of your thoughts. You walked towards your dresser, you searched through and pulled out a (f/c) t-shirt. You then grabbed a pair of jean shorts. You then did your morning routine, you decided to do your hair in (a favorite hairstyle.)
You then walk down stairs, your aunt doesn't seem to be up yet. You grab a (fav to go breakfast item) and right your aunt a simple note saying.
I went to go visit some friends at the mystery shack, I'll probably be gone all day, see you when I get home! Love- (Y/N.)

You then headed out the door, munching on your quick breakfast. You didn't run to the mystery shack like usual, instead you walked there, though you still took your forest short cut.
You looked around, admiring the great beauty of nature. The trees were so lush and green, it was quite beautiful.
What you didn't know was that the whole time the infamous Bill Cipher. You finally reached the mystery shack and knocked on the door.
There was silence for a moment and you started thinking that maybe they weren't home. Then you heard foot steps walking up to the door. When it opened Dipper stood there.
"(Y/n)?" He said, then a small grin came upon his face.
"Hey Dip, sorry 'bout last night..." You apologized. Dipper sighed and waved that aside.
"It's fine really. So are you gonna come in or just stand there all day?" Dipper asked with a small laugh. You gave a laugh as you stepped inside.
"So-" You started but got cut off by a loud gasp.
"(Y/n)!!" Mabel squealed loudly, hurting your ears a bit.
"Oh, h-hey Mabel!" You greeted with a small smile. Mabel stood in front of two girls you didn't recognize, one was a small girl with straight black hair, and large glasses. She was wearing a stripped green shirt. The other was a bigger kind of manly looking girl, with brown hair up in a pony tail and a pink shirt with 'COOL' across it.
"Oh my gosh, (y/n) guess what?!" Mabel said with excitement.
"Uh, what?" You questioned.
"We got tickets to go to the Northwest party! We got you a ticket too!" She smiled then gestured to the two girls behind her. "Oh yeah, by the way this-" she gestured to the smaller girl. "Is Candy, and this is Grenda." She said gesturing to the larger girl.
"Girls this is my knew friend, (y/n)!" She introduced you.
"Hello!" Candy greeted.
"Hi!" Grenda said. You waved awkwardly.
"Wait, did you say party?" You asked, slightly nervous.
"Yeah, only the best party ever!" Mabel replied.
"Ah, well I don't know, I'm not really into parties..." You said, and it was true. You had never really liked parties. You were rather socially awkward and were just out of place at parties.
"Oh c'mon, (y/n), pleeeaaaaseeee!" Mabel pleaded with puppy-dog eyes. You sighed, finally giving in.
"Fine..." You said reluctantly.
"Yay!!" All three girls cheered together. You looked at Dipper who shrugged.
"You have to go now, you agreed..." He said.
"Yes, but if you're gonna go, your gonna need a-" Mabel started.
"MAKEOVER!!!" The three girls squealed together. A horrified expression came upon your face.
"W-wait what?!" You said as the girls came and grabbed you by the arms and started hauling you upstairs I Mabel's room. Stan then came to stand next to dipper who was watching this all happen.
"Stan, Dipper!! Heeeeeeeellllppp!!" You pleaded as you got dragged to most than likely, certain doom.

Mabel, Grenda, and Candy tackled you once upstairs. Attacking you with a variety of different make up. They then gave you a dress and told you to put it on.
When they were finally done you sighed and looked in the mirror. A shocked expression came over your face, you actually didn't look like a clown. To your surprise, you actually looked really good. You were wearing a sleek (f/c) dress. You had light (f/c) eyeshadow on with a dark pink shade of lipstick. You gasped, examining yourself, it was a mystery to you how the three girls could do this.
"Wow... You guys did a good job." You complimented.
"Of course we did!" Mabel exclaimed.
"We're the best makeover artists EVER!" Grenda said. You still weren't too happy about going to the party, but at least you didn't look bad.
~le time skip until you're at the mansion~
You gasped staring at the huge mansion in front of you.
"This place is huge!" You said with a gasp. The three girls squealed with excitement, while Dipper sighed.
"Whelp, I've got a ghost to take care of. You girls go have fun!" Dipper said and started walking into the mansion to go find Pacifica and ask her about the ghost.
Mabel, Candy and Grenda ran into the mansion with bright smiles. You sighed and followed at a walking pace.
Once you got into the mansion the three girls were gone. You sighed and shook your head slightly.
"There's no way I'm gonna find them now..." You said looking at the huge crowd of rich people. You looked around the room until you saw a darkened corner, that looked perfect. You still didn't want to socialize really, and that looked like a good place to be out of the way. You started walking towards the corner, when you felt a hand on your shoulder....
To be continued~

A/N: So what'd you guys think? Good cliff hanger? I'm sorry it took so long for me to update this, I'm gonna try to get the next chapter out quicker. But thankyou so much for reading this, it means a lot to me!

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