Chapter 5: The Date

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~~Slight Time Skip To Next Morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You wake up to light flooding your bed room. You yawn and push some of your of your [h/c] hair out of your face. You slide off your bed and stretched. You grabbed your phone off the night stand. Turning it on you checked the time, it read 10:34. Your eyes widened and you gasped. You almost never slept this late. But you remembered you did stay up late the past night, trying to find out any information on the mysteries of gravity falls. You sighed, since it was so late you had to hurry up and get ready.

You walked over to the dresser and picked out some clothes. You grabbed a [f/c] t-shirt. You then grabbed a pair off lightly colored jean shorts, that were torn for style at the edges.

You grabbed your phone, slipping it into your pocket. You then grabbed your favorite sweatshirt and headed downstairs. You quickly grab a granola bar. Your aunt sits on the couch knitting something your not really sure what she's doing, you don't really care about that stuff.
"I'm going to see some of my friends, see you later, bye!!" You say very quickly and run outside.

You run to the mystery shack and stop at the old wooden door. You raise your hand in a fist and knock a few times. You hear Mabel's high-pitched voice yell through the house, "I got it!!"
You hear footsteps coming towards the door. When the door opens Mabel stands there with a wide smile.
"Hi, [y/n]!!" She says happily and turns around, heading towards the living room. You follow her in, Dipper is sitting on the floor and Stan is sitting in his chair. When Dipper sees you his eyes light up momentarily.
"Oh! [y-y/n]! I forgot you said you were coming over today!" Dipper said, greeting you frantically. You chuckled.

"Well I figured, maybe we could go for a little monster hunt or something for a bit?" You offered hoping he'd say yes. You really wanted to figure out more about this town, it was so mystical and strange. Dipper grinned as he started standing up. "Yeah! That sounds great! Mabel, you coming?" Dipper turns to his sister.
"Of course, bro-bro! We are the mystery twins!"

You smiled, while you watched Dipper and Mabel.
"Well then, let's go!" You said with a laugh, you really liked to two twins. They were fun.
"Grunkle Stan, we're going exploring, we'll be back in a bit!" Dipper informed his "Grunkle."
"Hm, yeah okay. Don't talk to strangers, or something like that." Stan grumbled.
You turned towards the door, and started walking towards it, Dipper and Mabel following close behind. You turn to Dipper once outside.
"So, what should we look for?" You question, he would know after all. He has that journal thing.

"Well I've really been wanted to investigate this strange creature, it doesn't even have a name. It's just titled 'Unknown' it's said to resemble a large prehistoric bird, with hooves instead of claws. It's loud screech is supposedly able to kill a man." Dipper said, stating the information on the creature.
You grinned, that was quite the creature. You've never even heard of such a thing.
"That sounds awesome!" You exclaim.
"Yes but, it's feathers can change color to blend into its surroundings, so it's very hard to find." Dipper continues. You sigh and shrug.
"Oh well, that's not gonna stop us from hunting this thing down!" You took your phone out of your pocket and checked the time, 12:32 came on across the screen.
"We're wasting time just standing here.." You say and cross your arms.
"Can we please get going? I really am interested in this creature."
Dipper then smiled at you.
"Okay, okay, [y/n], fine..." He looked into your [e/c] eyes.
"Let's go." He grabbed your hand and ran into the woods, Mabel following close behind with a giggle.

~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~

After hours and hours of searching and discussing the three of you sat down on a large rock. You sighed, utterly disappointed. You guys hadn't even found one clue that the 'Unknown' creature existed. Your shoulders slumped as you sighed. You felt Dipper glance over at you.

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