Chapter 4: The Deal

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"I-" You stop yourself as you're about to tell him off again. You think, a deal? What could he possibly want to make a deal with you for? Your curiosity wins and you decide to ask.
"What kind of deal?" You question slowly.
"Well perhaps I'll let you keep the book... As well as give you the key, if you do something for me..." Bill states with a smirk. You think about this. Something about making a deal is putting up all kinds of red flags. But you know you have to keep the book safe.
"You know, you look quite beautiful when your thinking." Bill says taking a step closer to you. But just as he does that you take a step back.

"What do you want me to do?" You question. There's a moment of silence before Bill answers.
"Tomorrow night, you'll go on a date with me." He says with a grin.
That's it? You think. All he wants is a date, then you can get the key and keep the book safe. It all sounds too easy, but you don't think about that at the moment. You take Bill's outstretched hand.
"Deal." You tell him. What you don't know is that Bill has some tricks up his sleeve for your little "date."
"Great, see you tomorrow night, I'll pick you up at 7:00!" Bill says and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek before disappearing.

You just stand there in a sort of shock. It's hard to believe you just met a strange being, and it's even more hard to believe you have a date the next night. All these things rush through your thoughts. You feel nauseous from the nervousness of what just happened. You take a deep breath, and start to calm down. You start to hear a voice calling your name. At first you don't recognize it. But as it gets louder there's no mistaking it, Dipper.

"[Y/n]!! [Y/n]?!? W-where are you??! Are you alright?!" Dipper calls out, he sounds seriously worried.

"Dipper! Calm down! Im okay." You tell as you start running towards him. When he comes into view you start walking, until you reach him.

"[Y/n], thank god you're a-alright! What happened?" He asks. Your about to answer when you hear footsteps. You tense up, but then you see Mabel arrive behind Dipper and you relax.
"I've figured some things out... I'll tell you back at the shack, but we should get going." You tell him.

~~Time Skip~~

You, Dipper, and Mabel sit in their bedroom in the Mystery Shack. Dipper asks you again what happened. After explaining, Dipper looked at you like you were utterly insane.
"You.... Did what??!! [Y/n] I told you not to get caught up in Bill's antics, and most importantly not to make a deal with him!" Dipper said sounding sincerely concerned.

"Oh c'mon Dipper.... How bad could it be? I mean yeah, I've heard about some of the past deals he made but.... All he asked for was a date tomorrow night, and then he would give me the key to the book. I think it's like some sort of diary of his or something. Plus, I'm a strong girl. I have a few tricks up my sleeve as well, I'll be fine." You reassured Dipper.

"I still don't know about this... It just doesn't sound right, or safe!" Dipper pressed on.
"We just really don't want you to get hurt,
[y/n]." Mabel then added. You sigh, and look at them both. Yes this could be dangerous, but it's the only chance you have at getting that key. You don't know much about this Bill guy, and getting to know him a little on a date could really benefit you.

"I'm sure I'll be fine. If you I'm not here by 10:00 at the latest, come looking for me." You said. You looked out, the sun was starting to set over the horizon, your aunt would be making dinner soon.
"I'm going to have to head home, but I'll be back tomorrow before my date." You tell them with a grin. You start to walk downstairs as Mabel and Dipper yell goodbye after you.

You take the same route to get home as you took to get there, and that same feeling came over you. A feeling as if you were being watched, unlike a lot of things it really creeped you out. You kept getting a little faster until you were running. You soon came upon your aunts little house, you ran up to the door and through it open, stepping quickly inside and slamming the door. You didn't understand why you were so paranoid, you had never felt like this in your life, it was strange...

PLZ READ Thanks to everyone who read this! Also I wanted to apologize for my such sort chapters. Though I'm trying to write new chapters as soon as possible. But I must know, what do you guys think, should I continue? Does anyone actually like it? Because if not I might stop this story, so please comment! Thank you! :3

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