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You chatted happily with Dipper, it'd been a few months since you told him that yes, you and Bill Cipher, the almighty dream demon, were dating. Now, Dipper was more than a bit unhappy when you'd spilled the news, at first he though you were pulling his leg, but you could see his face fall as he realized you weren't.
Now about four months later he'd started to accept it, as long as the filthy demon didn't do anything to hurt you, he guessed he could live with it. Mostly because he didn't want to diss Bill and have you get mad at him, he wouldn't be able to stand that at all.
Thankfully for you, you'd gotten Bill to finally leave the poor boy alone, though it'd taken quite a bit. Now Mr. Jealous leaned against the mystery shack, watching you converse happily with the two Pines twins. You had to admit, you loved seeing the demon jealous. His face slightly scrunched up with what had be attempted to be concealed anger, his one eye squinted into a glare ever so slight, staring straight at the one who he still referred to as 'Pine Tree.'
Your (e/c) eyes wandered over to meet his eye, and you inwardly chuckled.
"Hey, you gonna just stay there all day? Why not come over and talk?" You asked with a small smile, and you could see Bill let out a small scoff. You had a feeling he'd never get over his rivalry with the twins. Not that you really minded all the much, it was cute.
"No, I have things to do, places to be." He stated, causing you to tilt your head.
"Oh yeah, like what? You're not doing anything right now." You replied, arching an eyebrow, the twins awaited his reply as well.
"You know, terrorizing people and what not." He said, making Dipper narrow his eyes and mutter something under his breath, while you simply gave a small smirk.
"I thought I told you to take a break from terrorizing people for a bit." You said in a jokingly scolding voice.
"Then can we take a break together, alone?"
You glanced at the Pines twins, giving an apologetic look.
"Sorry guys," you said walking towards Bill.
"It's fine (Y/n)..." Dipper mumbled with a frown, where as Mabel had a large smile pulling at her lips.
"Yeah (Y/n), it's fine. Go be with your true love!" She said happily with a giggle, causing you to give a small laugh.
As you walked along with Bill through the Gravity Falls Forest, your hand in his larger gloved hand, you spoke up.
"You didn't have to be so jealous y'know.." You said glancing at him.
"Well I could tell Pine Tree still likes you. He's still trying to steal you away from me..." Bill replied, his voice still laced with jealousy.
"Are you serious? C'mon Bill, Dipper would never steal me away from you."
"He'd better not. Or I wouldn't be just his worst nightmare, I'd be yours too."
"Yeah, well not all nightmares are bad." You replied to him with a simply wink and kiss on the cheek.

A/n: Hello beautiful readers, here marks the end of my story, I really hope you enjoyed cause I sure did enjoy writing it. Perhaps I'll do another book, so maybe you guys could request some things! But I have to say Thankyou so, so much. I am so grateful this book got so far, I never thought it would and I truly appreciate it.
Stay tuned in for other work from me, bye!
~ Alyssa.

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