Grief at the Dursleys

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Harry sat in his bedroom, contemplating just how fucked his life was going to be now that Voldemort has returned to his former glory

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Harry sat in his bedroom, contemplating just how fucked his life was going to be now that Voldemort has returned to his former glory. He thought over what had occurred the previous year and he still felt the anger, resentment and grief for what he had to go through and experience. It made him think back to the other years he had spent at Hogwarts and found that despite loving magic and Hogwarts as a whole, he was sick and tired of having to save the school from danger whilst also trying not to get himself killed. It frustrated Harry that all he ever received was house points, and though he didn't expect much from anyone, he did think a simple thank you would suffice.

With a sigh, Harry removed his glasses and placed them on his desk before settling down in bed under his duvet. He knew sleep wouldn't come easy, he hadn't been able to have a peaceful night since being selected to participate in the Triwizard tournament. He had spent the whole year in a state of anxiety and frustration because despite being only fourteen years old, he was forced by a magical contract to compete against three seventeen-year-olds who knew more magic than him.

He wasn't too surprised when the majority of the school turned against him, it had happened once before in his second year, so he learnt not to expect much from them. The Slytherins were just as annoying as they had always been, mostly Draco Malfoy who had taken the time to create badges with 'potter stinks' on. He understood why the Hufflepuffs were pissed off, the other Hogwarts champion was one of them and they most likely felt that Harry was trying to take away their glory. The thought of Cedric Diggory caused his heart to clench as he remembered the lifeless face staring up at him after being struck by the killing curse.

He expected better of Ravenclaw but from what he had heard, they weren't exactly kind to their own housemates, so he shouldn't have expected them to be reasonable enough to believe him. What hurt the most was Gryffindor's reaction because despite celebrating his part in the tournament, he knew they didn't necessarily believe him when he stated he hadn't entered.

These thoughts brought up a bitter feeling when he thought of his best friend, Ron Weasley, who had abandoned him when Harry needed him the most. He knew Ron was a jealous person, he had shown as such on many occasions when the ginger didn't think Harry noticed but despite all of that, Harry had hope that his friend would have supported him through the difficult time. Instead, Ron declared Harry a cheat and a liar, feeling as though he should have brought Ron into the fold so he too could have the opportunity to be selected.

Harry was then filled with a flow of warmth when he thought of his other best friend, Hermione Granger, who had stuck by him throughout the year and helped him with all the spells and clues he would need to survive. Hermione was amazingly intelligent and though she may have a few flaws, he knew he could rely on her for anything. Harry remembered the feeling in his heart when he saw her walk down those stairs during the Yule Ball, how his breath hitched and his palms became sweaty because despite being friends with her for four years at that point, it was only then that he realised how gorgeous she truly was. His feelings changed since that day and often found himself staring at her, especially when she was focused on her books and would bite her lip as she concentrated on the words in front of her.

"Fucking hell" He groaned as he felt his body react to the images in his head. He felt ashamed at the inappropriate thoughts of his best friend but if he was being honest with himself, Hermione Granger, is one, if not the most important person in his life and he was sick and tired of walking on eggshells around people whom he thought may have a problem with the fondness he felt for her. A certain redhead was at the top of that list.

With determination, he jumped from his bed and took a seat at his desk as he placed his glasses back on his face. He grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill and contemplated on what to write to Hermione. However, before he could come up with the right words, the sound of tapping on his window made him jump slightly. There sat a beautiful grey owl with black spots scattered across its feathers, its bright blue eyes staring intelligently at him through the glass window. He slowly and quietly opened the window and smiled softly as the owl gave a quiet hoot as though it knew any loud noise would mean trouble.

"Hello, is this letter for me?" He cooed and chuckled slightly as the owl nodded. Harry unbound the letter and offered the owl a few of Hedwig's treats, much to the sassy white owl's disapproval and watched as it took flight into the night sky.

After closing the window and taking a seat at his desk once again, Harry looked down at the letter and was surprised to see the Gringotts stamp. With a small hum, he opened the letter and read;

Dear Lord Hadrian James Potter-Black,

We at Gringotts have on many occasions tried to contact you but received no response. It took us a while to realise that the property of Privet Drive may have wards to prevent certain written communication from reaching you. Thankfully, we have managed to figure out a way to get you this letter and wish for you to attend a meeting with your account manager to discuss your inheritance. This parchment is a Portkey and when ready, please call out 'Galleon' and you shall be transported to the bank.

May your gold forever flow and your enemies tremble at your feet.
King Ragnok of the Goblin Nation.

Harry stared wide-eyed at the letter and had to re-read it a few times to take in the words that were written. He was rather fascinated to find out more about his magical family as all he'd heard was a few stories of his parents' life at Hogwarts. An uncomfortable feeling stirred in his stomach at what he may find out but was equally as excited as he was nervous, though it quickly became clear that certain things were being kept from him as apparently, even his name was completely different. If he was being honest with himself, he quite liked the name, Hadrian, it felt more... Badarse than the simple name of Harry.

Harry looked out the window, frowning when he noticed a tall bald man walking up and down the street, and though that was a little suspicious in itself, what caught his attention were the purple wizard robes. Was he being watched? Or was this man one of Voldemort's henchmen who was looking for the right property to kidnap him? He wasn't quite sure but decided that either way, he would be able to escape with the Gringotts Portkey if necessary.

"Night, beautiful" Harry whispered to Hedwig, who let out a hoot response as he once again settled into bed.

Luckily, sleep found him easily.

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