Unexpected change

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Hadrian had a busy summer, but he considered it to be one of the best he had experienced in a long time

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Hadrian had a busy summer, but he considered it to be one of the best he had experienced in a long time. He had never felt such freedom before. He was able to do what he wanted, when he wanted, without anyone trying to control or criticize his actions.

Since he found it easier to work out and go on runs without manoeuvring around crowds in Diagon Alley, he had spent a significant amount of time in the muggle world. Hadrian was surprised to see his body undergo a transformation that he never anticipated. His shoulders had become broader, his arms had developed significant muscles, and his abs were now visible through his shirt. As a result, he noticed that he was receiving more attention from women of all ages, which revealed another part of himself that had changed since getting cleansed of the blocks. Hadrian had always been the shy and quiet type, but without the compulsions, it seemed that he was quite the lady's man with a charming smile and words that could melt any woman's heart.

Hadrian spent a lot of time in his room at the Leaky Cauldron when he wasn't out exploring or working out. He was always engrossed in some book or the other. Initially, he was overwhelmed by his role as Lord of many houses, but he quickly learned what it entailed. He realized that he could use his titles to take control of his life and help his Godfather, Sirius. It was surprising for him to read that being the head of multiple houses was rather rare. It was quite satisfying to know that he possessed a lot of political power that was not solely based on his ridiculous title of 'boy who lived.' However, he was not naive enough to ignore the fact that his title might also help him in the long run.

Hadrian had been conversing with Hermione back and forth and found that she too had her doubts about the headmaster and expressed how weary she was of his role in Hadrian's life. He had informed her of the fact he was no longer at the Dursleys but kept his destination a secret, not wanting to disturb her summer as he knew she would instantly find her way to the Leaky Cauldron as soon as she heard. He missed her, Merlin he missed her more than anything but he needed to have the summer to himself, he selfishly enjoyed the freedom he now had and knew that his little bookworm would lecture him on his ventures outside of Diagon Alley.


Today was July 31st, Hadrian's fifteenth birthday. However, birthdays never felt special to him as he grew up with a family who refused to acknowledge the day of his birth. However, that morning he was awoken by a pleasant surprise from not only Hermione but also Sirius and Remus.

Hadrian had half-expected to receive some sort of book from Hermione but much to his amusement and awe, she had gifted him a leather jacket that she explained had charms to fit his figure perfectly, which he was glad about because she had yet to see just how much he had changed. Sirius' gift was a rather confusing one until he found the note that explained that the mirror once belonged to his father, and often used it to communicate with Sirius' whenever they were in separate detentions at Hogwarts. Whilst he found the gift to be amazing, he was hesitant to use it because he too was unaware of Hadrian's changes and wanted to surprise his godfather when he was to turn up at Grimmauld Place in a few weeks, where he was informed Sirius was when he received the Black heir ring. Hadrian was rather surprised to receive a gift from Remus since they weren't exactly close, though he had an immense fondness for the werewolf who kept him company during his third year when Dumbledore refused to allow him to go to Hogsmeade with the other students. He was gifted a dark green dragon hide wand holster and a photo album with pictures of his parents and their friends in and outside of Hogwarts, though Hadrian quickly noticed that Peter was spelled out of all the ones he had been in.

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