The Potter-Black charm

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Hadrian Potter-Black was standing outside number twelve Grimmauld Place, being careful not to be seen by anyone currently inside the black family property

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Hadrian Potter-Black was standing outside number twelve Grimmauld Place, being careful not to be seen by anyone currently inside the black family property. He took a puff from his cigarette as he considered when and how he should reveal himself.

A few days had passed since Hadrian's birthday and when he went for a regular jog in the muggle world. Unfortunately, he encountered two dementors on the street, which was unusual since dementors usually reside in Azkaban prison. Hadrian suspected that someone from the Ministry had sent them after him since the Ministry had control over these creatures. It was not surprising since the Minister had declared him a liar after he announced Voldemort's return. Hadrian was surprised to receive a howler, stating that he had been expelled from the school for performing underage magic. He wondered how the Minister could make such a mistake, as he had been considered an adult in the magical world ever since he became the head of his family line, and he was allowed to use magic as he pleased.

With a sigh, he threw the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out before strolling up to number twelve. He pressed his heir ring to do the door, feeling the wards instantly granting him access to the property as the door slowly opened. He could hear chatter coming from the room at the end of the hall and a smile formed on his face when he recognised his godfather's voice. To gain their attention, Hadrian slammed the door shut which was followed by a loud shrieking voice coming from somewhere in the hall.

"Was we expecting someone?" A muffled voice questioned before the door swung open, revealing a familiar group who piled out of the room. They stopped abruptly at the sight of Hadrian, leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face.

"Who are you?" Sirius questioned, his wand pointing in Hadrian's direction.

"Honestly, Padfoot, I haven't changed that much" The dog animagus stood frozen for a moment before realisation appeared in his grey eyes, his arm faltering slightly as he stared at his godson with wide eyes.

"Harry?" Hadrian let out a chuckle and pushed himself from the wall, walking slowly towards the astounded-looking group.

"The one and only" A bark-like laugh came from the older wizard and he immediately pulled Hadrian into a tight embrace, only to pull back a moment later with shock.

"Fucking hell... you've gotten taller and-" He began patting Hadrian's arms and shoulders. "Merlin, where did this muscle come from?"

"I'll explain everything soon but Pads, I'm really hungry. Do you have anything to eat?" Sirius instantly began guiding his godson into the kitchen, where Mrs Weasley was busy cutting up vegetables on the counter.

Molly looked over her shoulder and smiled, only to do a double-take at the sight of a handsome man who seemed somewhat familiar to her. She examined him for a moment before her eyes connected with a pair of emeralds that she recognised almost immediately. She let out a loud gasp, the knife falling to the floor as she cupped her chest.

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