Protective brother

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A certain group of Slytherins were gathered in their dorm room after the feast had finished

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A certain group of Slytherins were gathered in their dorm room after the feast had finished. There was much to discuss, but they hadn't a clue where to start. Potter had changed a lot; that much was obvious. He had never been so civil towards them before, and they weren't too sure how to feel about it.

"I assume you felt it too?" questioned Draco as he paced back and forth between two beds, and received nods of confirmation from his friends.

"It was powerful. I've never felt that from Potter before"

"Something has changed, and not just because Potter has suddenly become hot" Daphne received stunned looks from the group, never hearing the Greengrass heiress describe someone that way before. She was known as the Slytherin Ice Queen for a reason, never showing an interest in much except her education and was always cold-faced whenever out in public.

"He acknowledged us... civilly too. It was odd, not seeing a glare aimed our way by him" Said Blaise with a tone of surprise, his brown eyes filled with curiosity.

Draco hummed and sat down on his bed, deep in thought. From what he heard from his father, Potter was rather unpleasant to Dumbledore at his trial and refused to allow the old man to represent him. The dark lord was alive, which meant things were going to get much worse, especially for Potter and those with death eater parents. Draco knew his father was planning on offering his services to the Dark Lord, marking him when the time was right but for Draco... that would be the worst thing that could happen.

"Draco!" The blonde was snapped out of his thoughts, Pansy waving her hand in front of his face with a concerned frown. "You okay, Dray?"

"Yeah... sorry, was lost in thought. I think we need to keep an eye on Potter and see where his loyalties now lie"

It was finally their first weekend of the school year and the Slytherin boys were in the great hall, conversing quietly whilst also keeping an eye out for Potter, who had yet to come down for breakfast. It was quite clear to everyone that Weasley was no longer involved with Potter or even Granger for that matter since they had seen the redhead with Finnigan and Thomas the majority of the time now.

"Hello, Draco" A small smile appeared on Draco's face at the sight of his cousin, Luna Lovegood.

"Hey, Lu. You doing alright?" He questioned with a hint of concern in his voice, looking over the girl to make sure there weren't any new bruises. She had been bullied by some Ravenclaws since she had started at Hogwarts in her first year, and it seemed to get more violent as time went on.

"I'm fine, you must stop worrying about me, Draco. A bruise is simply a bruise" Draco sighed and ran his hands down his face, hating how nonchalant Luna was with the abuse she was reviving. Sure, her father had been disowned by the Malfoy family due to his relationship with Pandora Lovegood, but that didn't mean Draco loved his cousin any less. He adored her, from her odd fashion sense to her talks of weird and rare magical creatures. In his opinion, she was downright adorable and hated that he couldn't do more to protect her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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