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Two left...

Scarlett Adams

"See, isn't it nice to be out and about?" I asked Quincy as we strolled through the streets of London. 

Quincy stopped at  local vender and picked up a red scarf, "I guess." 

"Bob's your uncle!" I exclaimed. Quincy decided if I was going to stay in England, I'd need to learn some slang. I was started to pick up a slight accent but my American accent was evident.

"Close, but you only use that phrase when you are-" She paused, "Let's say you were teaching me how to cook something and we put in all the ingredients and instead of saying, and that's it. That's when you use Bob's your uncle. Maybe use chuffed- that means that you are pleased."

I laughed, "I am really bad at slang." Quincy paid for the scarf, "Everyone usually is. But there is this funny story, I went to this American hair salon in  New York three years ago with my mum and the lady asked me about my bangs." She laughed. So did the cashier.

I was puzzled, "So? Isn't that normal?" 

"Oh Scar, it's not normal for the hair dresser to talk about having sex in a very unattractive way." I felt myself turn red, "Oh wow." 

"Slang like that will always make you smile, thank you very much." She smiled at the cashier as we left. 

"The best of British to you!" He called to me. I waved, "What does that mean?"

"Like good luck. You'll pick up slang pretty quickly. For example to fancy something means to?"

"You like desire it or something? That's what I read online." I shrugged.

She chuckled, "Good. Let's go up notch. How about spend a penny?" 

I picked up a peach and put it in a bag, then paid for it, "Not sure." 

"Go to the bathroom." Quincy said. 

The lady handed me back my change, "But, I don't have to go." 

"No. That's what spend a penny means. Say Ta." She said. 

"Ta?" I said. 

"Your welcome, my dear." The cashier smiled as we left. "I'm guessing that's thanks."

"You're correct. So, how was your night?" 

I smiled, I had received a call from Niall, saying how tired he was. Cecila had kept him up all night. "It was good. How was yours?" 

She started to turn red, she went on a date with this guy, Marc and I guess they had fun. "He's sweet. It's been a while since I was out but it was worth staying out till four." 

"Well, I start college next semester." I smiled. 

"You took it?" She demanded. 

"Yeah, Liam said he wouldn't withdraw his money so I said Ta and took it." 

"See, you're picking up slang!" She smiled, "Well, that's good. You might have over reacted when he paid for it." 


"He did a nice thing, you should have just said thanks but you let your pride get in the way." 

"True but-"

"It's over and done with. You are going to be a college student for the second time." She hinted at my first attempt when I first moved here. "And I am seeing a great guy and working at department store where there's more screaming kids than screaming deals." 

"You need a new job." I chuckled. 

"You think? So I have a question."

"Okay?" I said as we took seats outside of a cafe. The waiter grabbed two menus and came over, "Hello, ladies. What can I get you to drink?"

"Raspberry lemonade." Quincy smiled. 

"Blackberry lemonade. Thank you." I said. 

"My question is, what are you and Niall?" 

"Friends." I looked over the menu. They had smoke salmon but also pancakes. 

"uh huh."

"I don't know. We talk a lot but he lives in Ireland and I live here." 

"Maybe you should fly out to see him." She smirked.

"No, Liam and I broke up-"

"A month and two weeks ago, and yes, I've been keeping track." She said as the waiter laid down our drinks. 

"What can I get you ladies to eat today?" He asked. 

"I'll take a Reuben sandwich on sourdough with chips please." 

"And for you," He looked at me after writing down her order.

"Just fish and chips, please. Oh and a side of ranch." I smiled. 

"Alright, that should be out momentarily. May I see your menus?" We handed over our menus. 

"Scarlett, go to Ireland."

"Last time I was there-"

"Bloody hell. Forget last time. That was the old Scarlett, show Ireland the new you. I bet Niall would be happy to see you." 

And that's how I ended up on Niall's doorstep a few hours later. 


A/n: BAM! WHAT! Haha, Scarlett's back in Ireland, and anything can happen in the last two chapters. 

Thank you for being so patient! I love you all to bits! 

Also, I will be doing some HEAVY editing to the series next month. I am taking everyone's comments into consideration when I edit so I hope you will read again and share with your friends.

Is anyone going to (or has) OTRA? 

I am! July 15 in Seattle!

If you are going or have gone, comment your date!

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