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*Warningthere will be ALOT of POV's in this chapter so make sure you pay attention to who's it is!*

Tracey's POV

I felt horrible, I had let my best friend run away. 

My head was in my hands as I sat in the back of the church away from everyone as they discuss what to do. Poor Niall. Poor Scarlett. 

"Hey," I looked up to see Christy sit in front of me. "It's not your fault." 

I wiped my eyes, "I had no idea what was going on, I mean I thought I did everything to make sure her wedding was perfect. I pretended I was happy for her."

"Tracey, you didn't." I looked at Chirsty. 

"I did, I want her to be happy. It's been so long since she's been happy. And if it means she marries our old student teacher than so be it. I can't believe she's gone Christy."

"I can't either. Did you ever tell her how you feel?" 

I shook my head, and clasped my hands, "How could I? Niall makes her so happy. I didn't want her to get married for my own selfish reasons. She told me she wouldn't get married if I wasn't okay with that. But what kind of friend would I be?"

"An honest friend. That's what she needed Trace. I know you were trying to spare her feelings but you should have been honest with her."

"Were you?" Venom in my voice. 

"Not at first. But I did want this wedding to happen. Niall loves her and she loved him. I don't know how this could have ended the way it did." She said. "Do you know where she could have gone?"

"No," I lied.

"I need to call her." I pulled my phone out of my dress, I didn't care if we were in a church, I needed to talk to my best friend. 

I held the phone up to my ears, it rang over and over. 

"Hi, this is Scarlett! Sorry I couldn't get to you! I might be having fun so you know what to do!" Her cheery voice filled my ears. 

I sniffled, "Hey Scar, please call me! Where are you!? Everyone is going crazy! I'm going crazy. Call me back."

I hung up. 

"Maybe I should call her." Christy stood up. I nodded. "You going to be okay?"

I nodded again. 

"Okay, I'll let you know if I get ahold of her." 

I sat there, guilt eating me alive. 


I closed the door to the bridal room and headed towards the reception hall. I hope Scarlett knew what she was doing, I mean she is so young. 

She has her whole life ahead of her and it seems like she is going to throw it all away for Niall. He was a good guy but not the greatest. 

I heard footsteps behind me,  turned around. I saw him standing there in his tux, he smiled. 

"Tyler?" I asked. He waved, I smiled and hiked up my dress and ran towards him. His arms engulfed me, "I thought you were boycotting?"

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