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A week passed since my court date, and I was informed that I would be getting my settlement within six weeks of that day. And so, I waited. Though, there became another plan on my agenda besides school and settlements. Brian informed me of the accident that caused my winning of the court case, and told me the driver had hit another young woman; he said that the accident was uncannily similar to mine, but then claimed fortune in the situation.

"You could go talk to her," he said, "maybe give her some advice. I mean, you literally lived her life already in that aspect."

So I did; we did, together. Brian and I visited this woman, who was two years younger than me and still in highschool. Her name, she told us, is Sylvia Grahms. Her and I spoke for a long while, without Brian in the room to give her some feeling of privacy, and I untangled the winding road of my story to her.   


If any reader every gets this far: Thank you, and I appreciate your time.  I hope you enjoyed, and tell me your thoughts if you'd like.  :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20 ⏰

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