𝐋𝐢𝐩 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠

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Basic but when they see you with a lip piercing for the first time ;) PS I don't remember anything from this and I don't know who is included and who isn't but enjoy

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Basic but when they see you with a lip piercing for the first time ;)
PS I don't remember anything from this and I don't know who is included and who isn't but enjoy


Theo Nott
Pansy had suggested for you to get a new piercing and you saw no harm, so you did as suggested. You went to the muggle world for Christmas holiday and went and got your lip pierced as a Christmas present by your parents.

Sitting in class you fidgeted with the newly jestrum piercing that went through your lip, lightly pulling on the silver bar you winced as you felt the stinging sensation since you kept forgetting it hadn't fully healed yet.

Pansy nudged your arm a smug look crawling onto her face ''Already starting to have hoes with that piercing of yours.'' She said in between giggles ''Wait, what do you mean?'' You said confused as you started looking around and saw familiar brown eyes sinking into yours ''Theo?'' you said to Pansy as she nodded ''There's no way that guy hates me'' you said abruptly.

After class had finished you felt a taller figure standing behind you, quickly turning around Theo gripped your wrist tightly but not tight enough to hurt you and lead you to a corner where no one saw you, ''where'd you get this?'' He asked, leaning closer, his finger gently touching the bar as you whimpered from the pain.

Theo gave a light smile towards the whimper, you had unconsciously placed a hand onto his while he touched the piercing ''What do you really want Theo?'' You asked, pulling back still having small space in this corner you barely managed to wedge a space in between you both.

''Are you really asking me what I want?'' Theo asked looking down at you ''if so this will answer you'' Theo kissed you, his hands leading yours around his neck, he lightly licked the piercing before pulling away ''Don't let any other guy do this to you.'' He stated as a demand before pulling away to leave for class.

Regulus Black

There was a class at the astronomy tower late at night so you could see the stars and planets properly. You fidgeted with the piercing in your lip. It wasn't new you just never wore the piercing and decided to do so today.

you stood waiting your turn to use the telescope unoticingly Regulus stood next to you watching you fidget and try to warm yourself up as you only wore a tank top since the newly installed heating in hogwarts had been making you feel like it was the summer, he closely watched your body and your movements only containing himself from leaning closer.

''New piercing?'' He asked to give in, he kept eyes on you but they lingered to your lip every now and then. ''Nope, just wearing it for once'' you shrugged it off but kept eye contact ''God'' he said slowly rubbing his jaw and ripping his eyes off of you.

Mattheo Riddle

Mattheo and you hated each other which confused you why he was in the library watching you as he kept letting himself get distracted from his work. Rolling your eyes and getting annoyed you stood up walking towards him, though he awkwardly avoids eye contact or avoided looking at the piercing.

Sitting next to him you raised a eyebrow ''Any reason to keep looking at me?'' You asked tilting your head as he eventually looked at you taking a deep breath, still not speaking, his eyes spoke for him, his eyes lingering on the piercing.

''This?'' you asked pointing at the piercing ''Yes Y/N God every guy is talking about it and it's getting annoying.'' you giggled at his reaction ''Really? Who? Might hook up with them tonight if they care so much to talk about it.'' Mattheo looked at you, his gaze only getting angrier, he shook his head as his eyebrows furrowed.

''Suits you'' he said lowly grabbing your chin gently as he examined the piercing touching it with his finger ''Does it?'' you asked quietly as he nodded in response before giving you a kiss.

Tom Riddle

He sat from across you watching you study, Lord you hated him but for some reason he wouldn't leave you alone. You had gotten a new piercing and it had been attracting some guys and every time one walked your way Tom had to scare them off.

''Hey'' Michael came up to you gesturing to the piercing as you turned your body to face him. Tom had taken too much notice of this, his eyes scanning every gesture.

''Hey, Michael. Like my new piercing?'' You asked tilting your head, he nodded in response opening his mouth to begin talking again but got cut off ''Scram'' Tom said. Michael turned to him too stunned to say anything so he did as he was told to. ''Tom!'' you whisper shouted in the library ''Stop scaring any guy that comes my way'' Tom still kept his eyebrows furrowed angrily ''No'' he said shaking his head.

After that Tom still continued his ways and didn't let any guy near you.


𝐒𝐥𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭 | One Shots |Where stories live. Discover now