n. 1 Slaughter

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**July 8th 1998**   ———————————————————-    I am the daughter of the Cicatriz clan, We were once the best Elite Ranked Clan in the town of Ravens, Unfortunately we received a request to kill a monster, a monster called Montear

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**July 8th 1998**
I am the daughter of the Cicatriz clan, We were once the best Elite Ranked Clan in the town of Ravens, Unfortunately we received a request to kill a monster, a monster called Montear.
    I was the soul survivor out of all 5 of us, we disposed of countless Elite Rank monsters before with ease until this one. No matter how much we fought with our lives, Montear ripped them all limb by limb enjoying our screams. I was in utter shock. Stimulating on what to do. "I need to do something.. but I'm to weak too... there wasn't anything I could've done, with my ki drain after hours on trying to kill him." I look over to my oldest brother at the dawn of death he very softly spoke, "Aluna listen to me you need to get stronger so nothing like this ever happens to you... run back home, train until there's no tomorrow, train until you can't, and then train some more. Aluna as your oldest brother please get stronger and avenge us. Dear little sister please survive and we loved you with all our hearts. Run Aluna run." Listening to him I understood what I had to do.

     I knew I couldn't do anything but in that moment, then I sow Montear ripping my brothers face off. I notice my face was wet, the blood of my oldest brother was on me and my tears flowing down. My eyes became so blurry I couldn't see anything.      

      I couldn't scream or Montear would kill me right there. "This is my fault. I caused this. For being weak. Why am I weak. I'm so very weak" I said in my head. I started too lose my sanity, I knew I couldn't do anything so I ran. While running I was getting flashbacks of when I was younger, my oldest brother yelling at me to clean the floor until it was a mirror, dad laughing telling my brother "leave the poor girl alone." And my brother replying "well she needs to learn the art of completing chores!" And they both laughed. And the other of my mom helping me to master our families secret art, "I can't do it!" I said and my mother replied to me "yes you can sweetheart nobody can master such a feat in a day, you'll learn slowly, you will fully master our art and one day you'll remember me telling you this and laugh how stubborn headed you were." My tears could not stop flowing as much as I wanted to stop, memories kept going in my head. All I could do was to run like there wasn't a tomorrow. I ran until my feet collapsed, "I left my whole clan dead and ran like a cowardly bitch." Instead of getting revenge I ran away, there wasn't anything I could've done. But it was my fault for being weak and not killing Montear right there. I regretted everything I did at the moment I should've went back and tried my best to kill him after he slaughtered my whole family.

**2:09am Of the day July 9th**

I went back home feeling absent, and in my brothers words I trained like there was a huge battle going to happen. I tried mastering our families skill, the skill of soul manipulation, one of the weakest skills allows me tell if a soul is lying or telling the truth. I hope it will be useful to find Montear.

**1:24pm Same day**

People had heard that the Cicatriz Clan was no longer. People laughed. "That's what they get for biting more then what they could chew!" I lifted up my hood "what." I knew they hated our clan, but to this extreme? I couldn't bear to hear anymore on what they were saying about my dead family. "Finally those weak idiots are dead especially that Aluna girl she was the weakest among them" they laughed.

     I looked over and I sow the most beautiful girl with long white hair, pale skinned, grey eyes, and fit figure, Yuri Cornell. She was the only daughter of the clan Cornell, the only clan to rival us. As I was about to leave she spoke softly, "Excuse me! Excuse me!" They all stop gossiping and look over to her, all their eyes open to see such a beautiful girl in their presents. "as we all know the Cicatriz Clan has sadly fallen due to their stupidity..." she said. I scoffed. They all laughed and cheered. "Even so! For years they threaten our family the Cornell clan if we ever spoke of this to the public they would have our heads... but as they are gone we can finally breathe and tell the public that they have been working with the monsters to kill humans.. " they all gasp. "I TOLD YOU THEY NOTHING BUT TROUBLE!" One shouts "HOW CAN THEY DO THIS TO OUR BELOVED YURI!" Other one says "BURN THE CICATRIZ CLAN!" "BURN THEIR HOUSE!" "BURN IT TO THE GROUND" they shout.

      what?... what was she talking about? My family would never. Even as the strongest monster hunters we would never do such a thing. How can she lie to their faces? She smirks and whispers "finally we will be the number 1 elite rank clan in all ravens." I can not believe what she was saying she's a lying son of a bitch. How could she say all that shit after all my family did for hers?

**December 17 year 1994**

The Cornell clan was fighting the Monster rank elite and he was known as Clan Killer. The head of the Cornell's clan was about to get his head chopped off if it weren't for my father he blocked the monster off causing my father to lose his arm, and my mother finishing off the monster. I went over to heal their wounds and they thanked us for helping.

**Back to present day**

Looking back I could tell they were lying, when we were walking back they were mad. They looked like they bit their tongue being saved by us, they looked disgusted being near us. And the thing is, it was not the first time they were saved be us. Countless times they were in trouble and we were there to help. I don't get how they could lie to people about my family after their death. It enraged me. I was ready to fight her right there she teleports off. "What a fucking bitch" I said

** same day hours later**

The heads of my clan were displayed on a stick while our house was on fire. I am Aluna daughter of the clan cicatriz, I'm afraid I will end all living souls in ravens.

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