n. 3 Memories

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   **July 20 2002**
        Azael stood there looking right into my eyes with a soft tone he spoke too me. "Thank you Aluna." My heart skipped a beat. It was selfish of me for using Azael to find Montear. How selfish am I.. "no worries." I put up a act. As much as I want to know him better I need to put my guard up no matter what. Out of no where he grabbed my hand, "well let's go!" I asked him "go where?" he put a finger on my lips shushing me, "it's a secret!" I wonder what adventure we'll go through.

**July 21 2002**
    My clothes were dirty and ripped from the stabbing, and I smelt horrible. "I really look a monster now Don't I?" I laughed. "..." he stood quiet. We walked for a hour stopping by a store in the town of ravens. "Hey put up your hood, and go straight to the fitting room, I'll pick up some clothes for you." Azael spoke breaking the silence. I went to the fitting room. People were snickering and talking, Azael was such a beautiful man and I was tagging along with him looking all dirty and ugly. No wonder they are talking about us walking in. "Hey Aluna take these." I looked at the clothes he picked out they were nice but wasted on someone like me. One was a black long dress with a slit in the thigh. "No way I'm wearing this but I'll save it for later if anything comes up." I tired on the other clothes Azael gave me, it was a black tank top with baggy camouflage jeans. It wasn't really my style but this will do. "Okay I'm done."

      **Later on**
      Azael took me to a 5 star hotel out of town and into the city I had no idea how he could afford something so fancy but I'm not complaining. "Hey I'm going to hit the shower okay?" He nodded. I went to the bathroom and I took off my clothes, "what ugly scars, what a ugly face, what a ugly soul." I turn the water on and washed my worries away.
I heard a loud bang outside. "Is it another monster attack?" I didn't have time to put on my clothes so I just put on a towel and went outside. "MONSTER MONSTER MONSTER!!!!!" Yelled out a guy running the other way. "HELP ME!- his head was biten off. My heart dropped, I was getting flashed backs of Montear. "I-..." I froze. "This was not happening too me, I'm a monster hunter.. A rank elite. I should not be afraid, let me take a look at the monster soul and see what rank it's at." I fell on to my knees, my eyes widening. "i-its.. a king rank Monster." The same rank as Montear.
My head and eyes were dizzy, I felt nauseous, I felt like I was going to cry. The memories of my clans slaughter were coming back. I was on my hands and knees hurling. "I-I don't k-know what I can do.. they're all going to die because of my weakness.." I tried to stand up but I would fall on the floor, I curled myself holding my stomach. "My whole clan were taking from me by your kind.. why did this happen to me.. they were everything to me.. I-I just can't." I was at my breaking point. Until the monster heard me, he was rushing at me, he was going to stomp on me with his foot. After trying to find Montear and killing him to get revenge for my family.. I'm going to die here. I was at my soul's limit. I can't take this anymore.
**In Aluna's Mind**

"Whine all you want! But nobody is going to listen to a loser like you!" -??? "How are you out of all people be rank elite but be weak!"-??? "YOUR NOTHING ALUNA AND NEVER WILL BE."-??? "You should die."-??? Those were the insults I would get as a kid, I would be beaten and cut by the towns kids. All I wanted was to be stronger, to live up to the "Elite Rank." I was tormented by the town kids and adults. The adults would slap me and spit at me for being a "weak Elite rank." They did anything and everything to me. Countless Elite rank monsters appear in that town and I would always protect them, yet they would spit and throw salt on my wounds, and insult me. What's more they would do the same with my family, they would look at us as if we were Monsters. It was really just me and my family in that town full of people yet feeling so isolated. Now I have nobody or anything I can call home, and if it weren't for the feeling to get revenge running in my heart I would've killed myself the first chance I got. I feel guilty dying here without the satisfactory of the killing of Montear and avenging my clan, but now I can say I died trying. "Who am I kidding.." I was just looking for an Excuse to die, I'm actually so pathetic it hurts. I'm sick of trying to be strong. I'm sick of thinking I have a chance to actually defeat a King Rank Monster. I'm sick of living. I'm over everything I don't deserve to be the one Montear didn't kill. At the end of it all I shouldn't have been the one that lived, I should've just died with them. "I'm sorry dad, mom, and you Giovanni." And someone I shared a promise with..
**back to reality**
"Sorry Azael." I closed my eyes preparing for my death. "Why are you saying sorry to me because there's no way I'm letting you die here! After all we made a promise!" My eyes lit up, "Azael!" He picked me up holding me in his arms and jumped on top of a building, "why were you just laying there about to get squashed by Eddo. "Eddo?" "that Monster over there is a king ranked Monster named Eddo." I knew he was a King Ranked but a named Monster is very rare.
"Well are you just going to look at me like that or tell me why you were laying there?" I was debating if I should tell Azael but it's not like I was hiding anything. "A King Ranked Monster killed my whole clan." I just notice, he was the first person to look at me without disgust or hatred. He put me down and hugged me. I couldn't help but cry in his arms, I was finally embraced by someone who didn't see me as weak or disgusting. I was finally hugged by someone after my entire clans slaughter. "Aluna your clan was killed in-front of your eyes and you couldn't do anything about it you must of felt weak and useless, but you literally couldn't do anything, it wasn't that you were weak but it was the fact that the monster you faced was just way to strong. It isn't your fault Aluna, I'm sure your family felt the same way, you're not weak aluna you're brave and strong minded. I hope within deep down you realize that yourself. But for now you need to be the strongest version of yourself to beat Eddo, I know you can beat him I Believe in you." Those exact words I longed to hear, it was selfish of me to be held, and be praised, and comforted.
But still.. his words, and his touch made me feel like I was safe like if I was at home, I'll keep his words close to my heart and my soul. "Azael, thank you from the bottom of my heart, but I am weak I can't kill Eddo. He is a King Ranked Monster I am just Elite rank." He shook his head, "Aluna you yourself healed yourself from a fatal stab wound anyone else would've died right there from that exact spot, nobody else but you could've done that. I know you are strong because the blood of Luno runs through you, it is clear as the day, and your soul shines the brightest out of all the ones I've seen in my whole life." I got up giving Azael one last hug before going to fight eddo, "Azael I owe you my life, I am yours until I repay you back by helping you find H.I.M. So I won't be thinking of dying until I complete our promise, and thank you for everything."

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