n. 8 Aluna's Heart

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   **In purgatory**
   He was in love with her, his soul does not lie, he was truly in love with her. I would rarely read the souls of people because most of the times I knew they hold hatred towards me, but for Azael I had to know what was he feeling about this girl. He was very much in love with her, but It's not like we are together.. but I couldn't help but to get jealous, after all he is such kind man and he has a way with his words, he was just so mesmerizing, how could you not like him. "Aluna... are you okay.." he repeated to ask me. "Oh uh yea I am why you ask?" "You spaced out,  what were you thinking about?" He replied. "Nothing, please continue."
-They were 0.5 mile away from Eddo-

I listen to him talk about her, he was happy, he was smiling, its like i've never seen this side of Azael before, it irritated me, I've felt like all the times hes smiled before were a act. I can feel his soul grow more in love when he talks about her, it pisses me off but, then I realized I've fallen for Azael. The thing that hurts more is that this man is in love with another woman, there's no room in his heart for me. I wanted to cry, to sob, to be held by him but I know in his heart his true love will always linger. "She had this most beautiful beauty mark under her right eye, and every time I would talk to her I felt like I was home, you see my mother was human and my father was a demon making me a half demon, I was always picked on for that and she would step up and defend me. She was everything to me until H.I.M took her away." It became clear as day to me, the whole reason why he wanted to go find H.I.M, was because of her. My heart felt like it was stabbed a million times, I was stupid to think a man like him would ever share the same feelings. I can't let myself be humiliated in such a pathetic way I need to keep this a secret and act like nothing happened. I will close my heart to everyone, I will not fall in love ever again, or be in love with anyone, I shall never trust a man with my heart. I acted sad, "I'm sorry you went through something like that as a child, no child should ever go through that." "Its whatever now I had Cordelia to comfort me then." He said smiling. "alright, hey isn't that Eddo over there?" I could see eddo sulking, why wouldn't he after all he died without getting to see his family. "yes that's him, lets move quickly." Azael said. I just wanted to die there, I've never felt this way about anyone before. What hurts more is that I have to keep following him to find H.I.M for his sake, and he's doing it for her sake. How messed can it get, the first man I liked has another woman in his heart. I teared up a little but quickly removed it before Azael noticed.

"why..why...why..why I just wanted to see them once more-." I couldn't help but to hug Eddo after all he went through. "you..your back to your normal self I see." He hugged me back. "I'm gald." It made me question why did he said, "your back to your normal self", what does that mean, but I didn't question it right now. Eddo said, "why are you here?" I smiled, "Im going to bring you back to earth, I read your soul I know you have unfinished business, your looking for H.I.M." He looked at me with confusion, "You can read my soul? what do you know about H.I.M? where can I find H.I.M?" "My clans skill is soul manipulation, it allows me to read souls of anything that has one, I don't know anything about H.I.M but we are also looking for H.I.M." "oh I see now, when you said your going to bring me back to earth how are you going to do that?" I explaned it too Eddo, he seems hesitant but he agreed. "Eddo once your soul is implanted in my sword your name will change, what would you like it to be?" "My new name shall be Kaizen." "Kaizen.. I like it." I looked over to Azael and gave him a thumbs up, but he looked away why was he mad? I should be the one mad at him, but why would I? Just because he has another woman in his heart isn't his fault. No matter as of right now I need to focus on getting us back home.

"Kaizen do you accept risking your life to become my sword, my will, the way to victory, and will you accept dying to save my life?" "I accept, and I will follow you to find H.I.M until the very end of my life." "Kaizen sword form."
-Kaizen turn into a red blade sword-
"What a beautiful sword, I'm glad you trust me with your life Kaizen I won't let you down." I will find H.I.M and help Kaizen become human again and help him reunite with his family. Okay its time to go home, it's been a long day I'm hungry.

**December 2 2002**
"TAMASHII AND KAIZEN SWORD FORM NOW." I was helping a King Rank clan, they were the Nulza Clan, their clans skill was water, I founded them in the need of help, but it was only a King Ranked monster they should be able to defeat them with no problem. Something is going on here and I'm not liking it.
-Aluna cut the King Ranked Monster's head clean off, but she sensed something unusual like if someone was stealing the Ki from the air."
"THANK YOU, HOW CAN WE REPAY YOU, THANK YOU" they praised me, "hold on.." I sow something in the back of the trees, I drew my sword out and I found a man covering his ears shaking in fear, "what the..-."

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