n. 4 Aluna

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**July 21 2002**
My clans skill is something I didn't get a chance to fully understand and know how to use, but I have unlocked the skill soul reader, I can now read what rank a person or monster is, and tell if they are either lying or not, but that's pretty much it. I have no idea how I'm going to defeat a King Ranked Monster especially a named Monster, But I do have Tamashii, it was my fathers sword. "One cut can drain a Monsters soul by 10%, 10 hits would equal 100% of the soul drained, and leaving the body without a soul, so the Monster would run rampage until the head is sliced off." I've never tried it on a King Rank before so let's see how this goes...

**In The Mind Of Azael**
Aluna....Aluna...Aluna..now that I'm thinking about it I kinda like that name. I still feel horrible for hiding something from her after she told me something so sensitive, but I can't tell her now.. look how far she has come from.. she wouldn't look at me the same. For now I need to have faith in her and by time.

**back with Luna**
    The problem is Yuri Cornell's family took Tamashii the week before the attack of Montear. The only way I can get Tamashii now is if I call out his name, but that will drain most of my Ki. No matter, I'll call his name praying he will answer. "TA MA SHII!!"
-A bright light shines in the sky, coming closer too Aluna, Aluna notice it was coming at the speed of light-
"WHAT THE FUC-." The sword BEARLY missed my toe by a hair, "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!" The sword had a soul implanted by my father around my age, "You.Dare.To.Call.Me.When.I.Was.Sleeping." I forgot how much of a hassle Tamashii was. "Listen we have a King Rank Monster to defeat-." -Tamashii took on his human form-
"No." He replied. "Why not? if we try maybe we can defeat him-." He looked straight at me with a look of disgust, "I will not be helping a failure of the Cicatriz clan, YOU KILLED THEM ALL. By your stupid weakness. And your asking me too help? Are you fucking stupid? No, it's your fault for masters death, you know what. What if I just killed you right here and now." I scoffed. "You think your words can hurt me I already know what I did. I will not give you my explanation because you are not worthy, And if YOU think YOU can kill me. Remember who is YOUR creator and remember I am the one who can erase your soul away by the snap of a finger."
-Aluna was bluffing-
"Fine, you win but hear me this one time I will help you this time because I'm hungry. After I'm leaving." I smiled "good-."
-Eddo was listening while causing death to countless of people, he sow Aluna and Tamashii talking so he comes over and took on his human form.-
"Sword form now tamashii."
-tamashii took on his sword form-
"I know." Eddo looked at me grinning, "my my aren't you the one who escape?" I clutched on tamashii ready to attack "now now it isn't very polite to draw your weapon so soon!, all I did was ask a question.." I scoffed, "yeah so, what's in it for you." He came close to me "what's in it for me you say? Well nobody escapes death from me so easily you see!"
-Aluna took a swing at Eddo just to discover it was a hallucination-
"How rude! Didn't your parents ever tell you to not swing a sword while your talking to someone." Why is this monster talking to me like if it's a human. "But fine if you want to be that way I'll let you relive the most horrible moment of your life." That was the last time I sow him grinning, before I had to relive that moment.
-Eddo was toying with Aluna at that moment-
I laughed, "come on is that it? Every time I open my eyes I have to see the faces of my family being slaughtered by your kind, what's more I sow them being display on sticks on fire. I've had enough."
-Aluna cut the Hallucination going back to reality-
"You think some cheap trick can fool me? I've had to see the real deal replay over and over in my head. It doesn't effect me like it use to anymore." I looked over Azael and he nodded at me. "Is that so?..."
-Eddo took on the form of Giovanni taunting her-
"Aluna avenge us! Aluna avenge us! What a loser am I right?" What was I looking at, how, no I shouldn't be emotional right now my goal is too kill this King Rank Monster.
-Aluna took at swing from her sword at Eddo managing to land a hit-
"You h-heartless woman, you would k-kill your own b-brother?.." My eyes widened, eddo displayed my brothers real dead body. I started to hurl, my head dizzy, I couldn't focus on anything. I landed on my hands and knees.
-Eddo went down on one knee facing Aluna and lifting her chin by his thumb, and leaning close towards her-
"You really are such a pathetic girl."
-Eddo stabbed her chest, and Aluna was coughing out blood-
"I-I'm done. I'm sick of being weak I'm done."
-Aluna closes her eyes-
-Aluna didn't realize it but she unlocked a different power of her clan's soul power, called soul command. When a soul is given a command they have to absolutely follow the command weak or a strong tamed soul.-
"What-what is this? WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?! WHY ISNT MY POWER WORKING ON YOU?" I looked at him, "I told you this, every time I open or close my eyes I always see the lifeless heads of my family, you really are stupid yourself, all I have to do is hit you 9 more times and then-." As I was about to swing my sword, I collapse on the floor.

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