n. 5 Elodie

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**July 21 2002**
    "What. You give up?.. No, that isn't it, you must of ran out of Ki. Cocky little bitch you got what you deserve."
-Eddo releases himself from the restraint, once a person is unconscious the soul lays dormant meaning the command breaks or becomes weak.-
**Eddo's POV**
   I notice she was only wearing a towel but all humans look alike to me, so I didn't really bother asking. Her legs and arms were covered in scars, there was a huge scar on her shoulder almost splitting her arm off. "These aren't normal scars, I can sense another power greater then my own." I don't understand, each clan gets to have only one power passed down generations to generations, I've lived over 108 years and I've never seen anything like this. This power I was sensing wasn't coming from outside but within her body almost like, a True-Born God. This can't be possible.. a True-Born God should not be breathing the same air as me if I even thought of it I would have my head chop off with just a thought.. what is she. No, who is she.. "no matter."
-Eddo was going to slice her neck clean off, but he choose to cut her neck slowly watching the blade go through her neck. The moment he got the blade a half a inch in Aluna'a neck a hand stop the blade-
"what is it you think your doing to my vessel pest."
-This woman was not aluna anymore her hair color turned into a dark red with white eyes.-
I backed off this woman was dangerous, even I knew that I was not going to die here I wanted to see my beloved once more, I can't die here not yet I need to see you again Audrey.

**Eddo's backstory**
She was most beautiful girl I've ever seen she shined brighter then the stars in the sky, her name was Audrey. She was nice to every one, poor, and wealthy all in a kind. She was truly the best woman you can find in this rotten town. Everyone hated her, mocked her, I was always was there to protect her. I was her only friend in that town, I always wondered to self how lucky was I too find such a amazing woman like her, the day I finally confessed my feelings to her and she accepted my feelings and returning them back, I was the most happiest man in the world I could not stop kissing her beautiful face. Life was perfect she was perfect everything was perfect. A year after I went to grab us dinner for 3, we had a little one coming so my wife had too eat for 2.
-Eddo's human name was Elodie, Elodie went to go check out a noises coming from the center of the town a bunch of people were in a circle yelling and screaming at something-
I dropped everything I was holding. It was Audrey being kicked and punched at, I quickly ran to her helping her get up, "WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING SHITS DOING?! THAT IS MY WIFE. BACK OFF." She was sobbing in my arms, then I realized her legs were bleeding. "No....no..no..no.no..-."
-Elodie was a very rich man every girl wanted to be with him, and every man wanted to be him, Elodie didn't know the reason why the whole town hated Audrey was because she was with Elodie, and word got out that they were married.-

Creator note: ⚠️ trigger warning contenting r@pe. ⚠️ 

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  I woke up tied, "AUDREY..AUDREY ARE YOU THERE?..." I tried with all my might to get out of the ropes, and I hear Audrey's voice "No..no..no I'M WITH A CHILD." I opened my eyes my wife was naked and taken advantage of, right before my eyes.

(You can skip to here and read this and so on)

   I cried for my wife. I was tied I couldn't do anything, I just had to watch. My eyes red burned with rage, but it didn't stop there. They tied my naked wife to a pole, setting her on fire and killing her and our child to be. "Audrey, A-Audrey..." all I could remember was her laughter.. her smile.. the way she brought light to my life.. something whispered into my ear, "kill them all." "What.." and all I can heard was "kill them all kill them all kill them all kill them all kill them all kill them all kill them all kill them all." My head was dizzy, and I opened my eyes.. they were all dead. Before I knew it I was a Monster. "But they deserve it don't they.. THEY DESERVE IT DONT THEY. I mean they did kill you. DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT AUDREY I HAD TO DO IT FOR YOU." At the end of it all I was left a broken man, everything was ripped away from me, and the thing that pains me the most is that Audrey would forgive, no she forgave them. "It's not fair Audrey you forgive them but not me, I GOT REVENGE FOR YOU FOR OUR BABY FOR US." I heard a voice, "Elodie, look at you now you turned into a Monster because of me, even so you shouldn't have killed them. I hold no anger towards them but you went to far as much as killing them, you are not the man I fell in love with. Until the day you die please end up being the human man I once loved so dearly." I wanted to cry, but no tears came out. I was truly a "Monster."
-And as of now Eddo's goal was to kill and eat humans so he would have enough power to seek H.I.M. So he can finally meeting up again with his beloved wife and his unborn child as a human.-

**Back to reality**
"You are going to die."-???

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