|•CHAPTER 91•|✔️

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Fixing his tie and looking at the mirror one last time he bent down to grab his watch when his wife came out looking dashing in that black outfit

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Fixing his tie and looking at the mirror one last time he bent down to grab his watch when his wife came out looking dashing in that black outfit. He had dressed up in a black shirt and pants. His pit black hairs gelled and set up nicely making Kiki wanna commit all badness

She sneaked in front of him and looked at her husband through the mirror! His lips smirked and he slowly covered the distance between them.

She sneaked in front of him and looked at her husband through the mirror! His lips smirked and he slowly covered the distance between them

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Sliding her silky hair to the right side of her shoulders. He pulled out a simple chain that had a single diamond stone pendant in it.
Hooking the chain, he peered a soft kiss on her nape placed his chin on her shoulders and smiled.

"Pretty," he said

"Me or the chain?" She asked raising her right eyebrow

"You! The chain looks pretty on you so it's you" Arjun whispered his warm voice against her skin causing the tiniest hair on her body to stand.

Today was the day! They were taking their respective positions in their company. All the hard work for years was finally gone get rewarded now.

The two families were busy as bees the entire month with Aravind's wedding on the side and the ceremony on the other side it seemed hectic!

The parents knew Keerthana and Arjun were in a relationship but even if it had not they would have still gotten themselves married in a relationship that felt like simpler work the families married Keerthana and Arjun
To each other because they had raised them with the idea that she and he would marry one day and join together two powerful, wealthy families and two powerhouse corporations.

It was decided now that Keerthana would take her favourite black BMW and Arjun would be joining in his car.

When Arjun reached the Ceremony it was filled with press, family and family friends. Aravind and his wife had to join the party but due to his match on the very same night, he couldn't.

Arjun greeted the crowd and took a seat near the bar counter. Taking slow sips from his whiskey his eyes looked around to spot his wife.

Everyone around was slowly dancing to the music, his parents and her parents were completely busy. It was time for Keerthana and Arjun to take. A breath

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