Chapter 2

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Rora Holt, the eldest child of Samuel and Colleen, and the sister of Matt and Pidge, had not meant to trap herself in these space exploring endeavours. Unlike the rest of her family, she had never had much interest in space - she wanted to explore what was on Earth, at her fingertips. She loved fashion, art, music, not maths and physics. So why was she here?

A few weeks prior, Rora had bought a plane ticket last-minute; with the summer approaching, she had intended to spend it in London (where she had been studying fashion design), however after hearing her father and brother had supposedly died, she got the next plane back in order to be with her remaining family.

However, after returning, she found out her little sister had undergone a slight change - she had feigned a different identity in order to enter the Galaxy Garrison, Pidge Gunderson. And so, Rora had gone there to visit her younger "brother", when Shiro had crash-landed nearby while her, Pidge, Lance, and Hunk had been talking. It all happened from there.

Shiro knocked on Rora's door. She, however, was busy singing her favourite musical theatre song, so he had to wait 4 minutes and 59 seconds before she let him in.

"Hey, Rora. I was just wondering if you had any hair straighteners or makeup or something Kassy could- what are you guys doing?"

He looked around and saw Keith and Pidge and an assortment of stuffed toys sat around like an audience.

"They're playing the X Factor." Keith said, a look in his eyes which said 'help me'.

"Keith is Simon, because he's so grumpy." Rora replied with a smile.

Keith shot a glare in her direction. "I'm literally not."

Shiro opened his mouth, initially to question, before deciding against it. "...right. Anyway, do you?"

Rora pointed to her desk, where all of her beauty products were. "Take what you need. Anyway, for my next song-"

"Uh, no! It's my turn! You had a turn!" Pidge said. "On the X Factor they only get one song unless Simon tells them to sing another."

"Well, this isn't the X Factor, it's the Rora Factor. I think I get another song."

"Keith, what do you think?" Pidge asked.

"Guys, I cannot express how little I care."


Shiro turned, eyes slightly widened. "Ummm, take turns. Then it's fair."

"See." Pidge replied. "Sit down, Rora."

Rora sat down. "That's fine. I get more time to think about what song I'll sing next now."

Shiro shook his head, gathering up the things, and heading to Kassy's new room, placing them on the desk.


He turned and saw her, with only a towel around her.

"Oh, fuck, sorry, Kassy, I'm just leaving." he slapped his hand over his eyes, turning to leave quickly, walking into the wall in the process. "Agh!"

"Oh, God! Is your nose okay? Stay turned around, one minute." she got changed quickly, before going over to him. "Let me see."

"Oh, God, ow, that kind of hurt."

"That's what happens when you walk into a wall, sweetie. Here, move your hand." She placed her hand on his face to get a steady look, cupping his cheekbones . "I don't think it's broken."

"Sorry, am I interrupting something?" the two turned to see Hunk. She pulled her hand away.

"No, no, he just walked into a wall and hurt his nose. You okay, hon?"

"Yeah, I just thought you might be feeling... uh, well, I made you some hot chocolate. Just in case you were feeling bad."

Kassy smiled. "Oh, Hunk, you sweetheart. That's so kind of you, thank you." she responded, taking it from him. "Thanks for getting me this stuff, Shiro. Will your nose be okay?"

"Yes. Will you be okay?"

She nodded. "I will. Goodnight, you two."



The next morning, Keith was up fairly early, making himself a coffee before anyone else got the chance to bother him. That was until Kassy joined him in the kitchen.

"Morning." She said.

"Morning. Early riser?" Keith responded.

"What time is it?"

"A little past 6." He replied.

"Oh. I guess my sleep schedule is a little off."

Keith didn't reply, not looking at her as she went about making her own coffee.

It was seemed Kassy's early rising created a chain reaction as soon enough Coran, Allura, and Rora had joined the two in the kitchen. Keith gave a soft sigh and ground his teeth in mild annoyance.

There was a few moments of small talk, particularly between Kassy and Coran, who were filling each other in on their entire lives.

"Yep, so I was born, grew up, got married, had a kid-"

"Kid?" Kassy asked.


"I thought you were... oh, never mind. Carry on."

"Anyway, then Altea went up in flames with me and Allura and the mice being the sole survivors!"

She blinked. "That's awful. I'm sorry about that."

"Oh, it's nothing, it's nothing..." Coran waved his hand dismissively before sniffling and wiping his eye. "What about you? What was your life like?"

She shrugged. "Uh, I think the less said the better."

Rora raised her hand. "Oh! I wanna share."

"Go on, Rora, let's hear that life story." Coran said. Rora cleared her throat and stood up.

"My name is Rora Lynn Holt, I was born on August 13th, and ever since I was a child I have always loved fashion. I was the cutest kid at pre K. Then I went to London 2 years ago to study fashion design, then I nearly died, then my dad and brother nearly died but thankfully they could be alive and now I guess I live in space."

"Fantastic! I love a good backstory. Bravo!"

"Thank you, thank you, it was lovely experiencing all this."

"Morning, everyone." Shiro said, coming into the kitchen. "I hope everyone slept well. I thought today we could focus on training and otherwise take a small break from battle strategy."

"Is that wise?" Allura asked. "I mean, this is war we're talking about. Strategy is everything."

"Sure, strategy is important, but come on. Training is just as important." Kassy said.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware you were part of this conversation." Allura's words were placed lightly enough, but there was a slight tinge of poison on them. Kassy raised her eyebrows, and seeing she was about to react, Shiro hopped in.

"Uh, yeah, Allura, you're right. But it can be a lot for a small group to constantly be thinking about a war they never asked to be involved in. I thought it would do the team some good to focus on something else, and anyway, it still contributes to the war."

Allura's arms crossed. "Fine. Whatever you say."

Kassy caught Rora's eye, and mouthed at her. "Is she always like this?" Rora gave a brief nod.

"If you've got something to say, say it to my face."

"Alright! Time for breakfast. Where, oh where is Hunk?" Coran jumped in, saving the situation for a second time, just as Hunk entered with Lance. "Ah! Hunk, my old friend, good morning! Please cook breakfast immediately, please."

And with one last glare from Allura, the tension quickly diffused.

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