Chapter 1

115 5 12

Warning copy and pasted from my laptop

recommend listening to Indila's songs especially 'love story'


It was a horrible, terrible day of yokohama...raining heaviy...sounds if tears hitting the floor could be heard even in this heavy rain...sounds of two lovers saying their last goodbyes.

Chuuya had used corruption without Dazai, by the time Dazai arrived was too late. Seeing his lover covered in blood, passed out on the ground. Dazai immediately rushed to him.

"Chuuya! Chuuya wake up, this isn't funny..." Dazai's tears started escaping his eyes. He put his hand on the shorter's chest...there was no sign that he(c) was alive. It was almost like Dazai's heart had fallen down and shattered into million pieces.

"Chuuya...if after life was real I promise to find you in another universe. Maybe just maybe...I can protect you in that universe"






"Dazai, wear your cloth we're going to the town" the purpled hair girl demanded to her brother. "Coming Yosano, just because you don't trust your maids to find and buy what you want why do I need to follow YOU to the town?"

"Come on, I'm just trying to look out for both of us. Maybe if we go to the town, you will find the love of your life. You've been rejecting all the people that gave you confession letters, even on valentines!" Yosano said annoyed.

"Well is not easy for me to find the right person, I just can't go dating people that I don't like. I'm the prince after all. Ofc all the girls will confess to me but most of them probably just want to be loyalty." Dazai replied. Yosano sighed and didn't say anything.

<In the town>

"Hey Chuuya! Did you know that if you have a scar on your index finger, that means someone promised to find from your past life!" the short pink haired girl said while holding her brother's hand.

"Well? Don't act big, is not like is easy to find that someone" the ginger scoffed. "Really Chuuya, you have no sigh of love! I'm never gonna get a non-blood related sister!!" Yuan turned away and crossed her arms.

"So what? We have kouyou. She take great care of us, you shouldn't be ungrateful like that. Plus, you get everything"

They kept auguring when the front door opened and the red hired female entered. "Didn't I tell you two to not fight anymore?! I could hear you from miles away!" she said angrily.

Chuuya and Yuan immediately stopped and apologized. After they apologized Kouyou sighed and checked the things she bought. "Shoot, I forgot the apples. Hey Chuuya, can you go get around 7 apples from Mrs Lina's shop?"

"Why don't you ask this...thing to do it?" Chuuya said pointing at Yuan as she gasped. "Did you just call me a thing! You should be the one doing it! You're the older sibling!" she screamed. "Now now Chuuya, she's right. You are the older sibling and Yuan's only 15 she shouldn't be going around all alone. Plus, you're already 19 you should help me out"

Chuuya rolled his eyes and left.

Chuuya Pov (introducing?)

I'm Chuuya, 19 years old and currently living with my older sister and younger sister. My sister Kouyou is 21, just two years older and my younger sister Yuan is 15.

Our parents died when I was 6 so Kouyou had to work to feed us. I'm very grateful for that but Yuan? Not really and I understand why...since mom and dad passed away, they were on a carriage and Yuan was also on it...she luckily survived but she had a memory loss.

She only remembers mom and dad by the one family photo. And now I'm 19, I have told kouyou many times that I will work instead of her so she can stay at home but she refused and told me to just stay home and look after Yuan.

Yuan desperately wants a non-blood related sister and she thinks they are cool. I haven't found females attractive at all...I have a suspicion I was gay but...I wasn't sure as I also haven't found males attractive either.

Is either I was gay or asexual. Soon I reached Mrs Lina's shop. I bought the apples and on my way home. I bumped into someone.

Third person

Yosano have just bought her item that she needed and they were returning home when Yosano wanted to have a little chat.

"Hey Dazai, is the reason why you've been rejecting girls because you're gay?" she smirked. "WHAT?! No way, why would I be gay? I'm the crown prince after all! It would be a shame for the kingdom if I was!"

"Chill I was just kidding!" she continued with the smirk on her face. Dazai rolled his eyes and walked faster when he bumped into someone.

He fell down and almost revealed his face but luckily, he didn't. Unlucky for him the person he bumped into could see him. He kept his head down so that they couldn't see him.

"Hey are you ok? I'm so sorry" the person landed him a hand. Dazai decided to screw it and took the hand and lifted his head up.

And holy, he saw how beautiful the other male looked. He had ginger hair with glowing blue eyes. A small blush started to form on his face as he quickly got up and covered his face.

He quickly took Yosano's hand and run away. Chuuya didn't know who he was but he saw his(d) face very clearly.

Yosano looked at the other and saw his small blush. She immediately got it and smirked. "Looks like our little Dazai found someone!" "s-shut up!" he stuttered to speak as he indeed loved how the ginger looked.

"Do you wanna go back or-" Yosano questioned when she was interrupted by Dazai. "No, we go home" Yosano nodded.

Chuuya just stood there for a few minutes but soon he decided to go home. When he was home, he out the apples on the counter of the kitchen. "I'm going to sleep for a while" he said and went to his room. He closed his door and laid on his bed.

He recalled the memory of the brunette-haired boy and started to blush. "Why am I like this?! I'm not gay am I...?"


A little author introduction cuz why not :)

Hi, I'm shinreya and i go by any pronounces! I am a minor and write books for fun. 

I have a tiktok accout with the user @shineya_ u can go follow if u want.

I have another book abt Xiaother one shots. I am also releasing another xiaother book soon but i am waiting for my artist to draw the cover so it may take a while :)

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