Chapter 6

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I wanted to change Shinrase's name. She shall be called Shanrena starting from this chapter.

"Yosano..." yosano looked back at Dazai behind her. "What are you planning?" He asked confused by the situation.

"No worries Dazai, your big sister will take care of your little love life. Just go find your beautiful ginger" she smiled.

Dazai nodded and listened to Yosano for once in an eternity. As Yosano leaved his room he thought of the reasons why Shanrena might've done this.

It was confusing, Dazai knew he shouldn't be in love with a commoner because is against the laws but Shanrena telling his father was over the edge.

She even wished them 'goodluck'. Why would she do this? There were so many questions Dazai wanted to know. But first he had to find Chuuya like Yosano said.

He had to keep him safe from Shanrena's hands. Is either Elise was lying or Shanrena was evil.

He just ignored all his questions and got ready to head out to the town. He wore a big hoodie and a mask to cover up his face. He didn't want anyone to find out.

<Time skip>

As he entered the village he got this feeling of getting caught. He couldn't see anything with the hood but he's got to find Chuuya.

He suddenly bumbed into someone and he panicked. "Oh I'm sorry! Are you ok?!" The unknown said while lending him a hand.

He thought of what could happen next but he just screwed it up and took his hand.

"HEY YOU'RE THE PRINC-" he quickly put a finger in front of the white haired's mouth shutting him up. "Please don't tell anyone. I have my reasons" he ran off to the distance leaving the male behind.

<Chuuya pov>

I sat at the bench staring off to the ocean when Atsushi came beside me. "Hey chuuya! Whatcha doing?" He asked taking a seat besides me.

"I went to the ball" he looked surprised. "Eh? I thought only loyalties are allowed" he asked confused. "Yeah I acted like one, plus Yuan already planned everything out"

He just nodded. "By the way, I bumped into the prince earlier. He looked panicked but I don't really know what he was doing in the town"

"Wait wait, that guy is in the town?!" I asked surprised. Atsushi nodded. Why would he be here? The ball is over. He must be in the palace!

No no, I must go find him. What if he's in a bad situation that he needed help with? I threw all those thoughts behind and just got up to find him.

<Third person, with Yosano>

Yosano walked up to the group waiting for her. "ok so basically..." She explained the whole situation.

"What? Aren't royalties supposed to not fall in love with commoners?" Kunikida asked confused. "exactly! That's why we need you guys! We need to change this law." Yosano said.

"But miss Yosano, this is a law that had stayed for 500years. Is not gonna be easy to change it" Higuchi said while crossing her arms. "Plus how do you know if the commoner likes Dazai back?" Ango asked Yosano.

"Is clear! They danced together and the commoner didn't even seemed to mind." Odasaku sighed. "Yosano, didn't you mention they met around 4 days ago?"

"Well yeah, that's the point! Noone enjoys a dance with a complete stranger you just met 3 days ago!" She said back. "Whatever are we gonna help him or not!?" She screamed.

"We will but" kunikida out his hand on his chin. "Shanrena's the daughter of king fukuzawa. And he has a great relationship with king Mori"

"Plus his son will guess all our plans in one minute" ango moved his glasses up.

"We gotta give it a try! Come on guys we can do it!" Higuchi smiled. "For our Prince Dazai! We have to do it!"

"Higuchi's right, he was my friend since childhood. I won't let him get arranged to a princess he doesn't like" Odasaku nodded. "So do you have a plan Miss Yosano?"

"I'm thinking of..."

&quot;Another life&quot; | Soukoku royal au (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now