Chapter 5

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Shinrase's POV

I spy with my little eyes a brunette prince and a stupid little ginger~. I took out my phone and took a photo of them.

"Now all i gotta do is wait for the ball to be over~"

Third person pov

"hey, i think you're a great dancer!" Dazai said. "Oh please, i was just coping how other dancers danced" 

Dazai sat beside Chuuya and soft held his hand. "hey chuuya, did you know that if u have a mark on your index finger it means someone promised to find you in your past life! Maybe is me~" Chuuya chuckled. 

"Oh please, you know nothing about me. You've only known be for 3 days." "3 days? Chuuya, I've known you my whole entire life!" 

"Your whole entire life...?





After the ball was over Chuuya and Dazai said their goodbyes and went their own ways. But on the other hand...

"Oh Mr Ougai..! I hate to bring this to you but you're son is in love with a peasant..." Mori raised an eyebrow at Shinrase's report. "A peasant? He would never! A royalty can never break another royalty's rule!" Shinrase smirked.

"But would you believe if i had a proof?" She handed him the picture she took earlier. "Maybe that's the reason he had been rejecting most princesses. Maybe is because he is in love with a peasant who disguised themselves as royalty to sneak into the ball..!" 

As anger ran apon the king's mind, he thanked Shinrase for giving him the news and stormed off to Dazai's room. 

"Dazai!" he kicked the door open. "Yes, father" the brunette bowed. "Is it true that you are in love with a peasant?!" Dazai seemed surprised by the sudden question as he did not know how to response. 

"father i-" he was cut off by Mori slapping him. "A royalty shalt never break a royalty's rule!" Dazai nodded. "You will be arranged to Princess Charlette!" Dazai had never seen him this mad. "Bu-" "No buts. I've had enough! You will be marrying Charlette on march 1st and that is final!"  Mori slammed the door shut leaving Dazai speechless.

Soon after Elise entered. "I heard everything, are you ok?" She sat beside him. "No, i don't even like this Charlette person. We've never even hang out!" Elise patted his shoulder. "That's just how dad is. If something he doesn't like happens, he will make it go his way" 

"Thanks, i just think march 1st is way too soon..." Dazai sighed. "Well at least he gave you 2 break up with him and get over it..?" "What?! GET OUT!". 

After Elise left Dazai laid down on the bed and thought of who could've told him. There were only 2 people who knew about Chuuya being a peasant. Shinrase and Yosano, Yosano is his sister plus she was the one who confronted him to go out with him...

Dazai threw all those thoughts beside and went to sleep. 

Yosano's pov

Never in my life have I ever seen dad this mad. There's no way Dazai is marrying that b!tch on march 1st...! But the most important question...who could've done such thing? 

I knew Elise is usually wondering around the palace so i called her. Soon enough my room door was open and she entered. "What do you need?" 

"Elise tell me where you were during the ball?" I patted my beside giving a sign for her to sit. Elise sat down on the bed and finally spoke. "I was in the garden playing with my cat. I saw Dazai nee and the peasant dancing together." 

"So you're the snitch?!" Elise put her finger in front of my mouth. "I'm not! Shinreya was also there, i saw her take her phone out took a picture. Plus i was also in the throne room so i heard every bit of dad's and her conversation" 

"yes! That's exactly what we need! Oh i knew i could count on you!" i said happily. "That'll be 30 yen!"  i rolled my eyes and handed her 30 yen. After she left my room i ran to Dazai's room.

"DAZAI WAKE UP" Dazai opened his eyes and gave me a middle finger. "HEY! don't be so rude. Plus i am your savior!" I sat down oh his bed. 

"Ok so first we need to get the others. I think they're still here because the ball just ending a few hours ago." I took out my phone and texted in the gc. 


6 feet under🪦
Who changed my name? 

Glasses guy 👓
Mine too!

Higuchigu 🩷
Sorry guys i did it. 

Kunikida 📖
Why didn't you change mine? 

Higuchigu 🩷
You'd kill me if i did. 

Akiko 🦋
Guys!! I need your help asap!

6 feet under 🪦
Is everything ok?

Higuchigu 🩷
I heard some noises from Dazai's room! 

Akiko 🦋
Meet me near the fountain!





"Yosano...what's up??" Dazai said bearly able to open his eyes.

"Shinrase is the snitch..!"

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