Chapter 8

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"Osamu Dazai." Mori spoke in a cold tone. 

"Yes, Father" Dazai replied. He noticed Yosano following him close behind. Unexpectedly, Mori smiled.

"My dear son and daughter. since Dazai is engaged, I thought why don't I let you two out for once?" Both of them were surprised.

"O-out? LIKE TO THE VILLAGE?!" Yosano said excitedly. Mori nodded. "Yes Yosano, I will be letting you out to the village"

'wait...this can't be right. If he knows I'm with a peasant why let me out?' Dazai thought. "I know what you're think son." Mori said

"I will be sending a group of guards with you just in case a peasant tries talking to you. Oh and...Shanrena will be there"

"Seriously dad?! You are letting that bitch come with us?! What's the point then?!" Dazai screamed. Yosano put her hand on his shoulder before he got too far giving him the sign of 'enough'

After they had leave Mori's room, they were met with Shanrena waiting for them outside. Dazai immediately rushed to her and grabbed her by the neck.

"Listen here you bitch. Just because you are Mori's friend's adopted daughter doesn't mean that you can outsmart me. I will not be letting you control my father" She laughed evily.

"Don't worry, someone else will be doing that for me" She said before walking away.

"Wow that girl is really a bitch isn't she?" Yosano said walking up to Dazai. "she has been all over our kingdom since she came here first time! Plus she has no rights to be talking to royals this way. She's adopted after all"

"That's enough for today Dazai. If she wants to be this way, let her be"

<Ranpo pov?!>

I was walking down the long hallways of the palace when I heard some noises. I chose to ignore it and continued on with my day.

That was until I saw my adopted sister Shanrena walking back from where the noises came from.

"What did you do this time?" I said. "Nothing~ It was just your friend Dazai being dramatic about some unnecessary peasant" she just walked away after saying that.

Shanrena and I never got along. My father, Fukuzawa found her when we were just a little. It was cold winter day, she was starving without shelter. Father always wanted a daughter so he adopted her...somehow...

Growing up, she always wanted to be the boss. She would use her fake cry when she doesn't get what she wants. Is annoying. 

I just ignored her and continued walking. Dazai seemed pissed and Yosano was there calming him down. I was confused ofc but i didn't really mind and went on with my day.

"Is fine Dazai, lets get ready" Dazai nodded and they both went to their rooms to get ready. 

<With Chuuya>

"Are you sure you're gonna come with these kids?" Chuuya asked just making sure. "Ofc Chuuya-san. Kyouka has never been to the palace, she's quite excited" Atsushi replied with a smile. 

Chuuya sighed. "If you say so". They continued walking towards the palace. "I'm so excited!" Yuan said. "I still don't think sneaking in there is a good idea..." Kyouka said in a quite voice. 

"Come on Kyouka! Don't be a scaredy cat" Kyouka nodded. 'the only thing i'm worried about is that bastard Dazai would be there' Chuuya thought. Little does he know, Dazai was coming to come to the village. 

&quot;Another life&quot; | Soukoku royal au (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now