~Chapter 2~

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Also copy and pasted from my laptop (i mostly write on there)

Listen to love songs of your choice<3


After bumping into each other in Chapter 1, they have been thinking of each other recently ofc who wouldn't if u bumped into such a beauty?





"Dazai nee! (Basically means brother) Dad told you to come to throne room immediately" Elise said while opening her brother's door. "Be right there" Dazai nodded.

He made his way to the throne room as he thought 'Why would father be calling me at this time'. Soon he reached the room where his father was sitting on the golden throne with Yosano beside.

"What may be the reason why you called me father?" he asked bowing. "You have been rejecting all the girls who have confessed to you, even the princesses..." he said with a serious face.

"I just haven't found the one I like" The brunette replied. "You have to choose your mistress soon Dazai, you are old enough to get the crown..." Dazai nodded. "Yes father, I promise to find a mistress soon"

He left the throne room and went back to his, he sat down on his bed thinking why he has to be the king. 'Why do I have to be the one? Can't Yosano do it?' he thought when his room door slammed open and the purple haired entered. 'Speaking of the devil' he thought.

"Dazai this is bad" Yosano said gasping for air. "What happened?" "Father said you'll have to choose who you marry by your 21st birthday or else he will be arranging you with Princess Charlette of the overgrown kingdom."

Dazai's eyes widened as Yosano finished her speech. 'No no no this can't be. I don't like her one bit'. Yosano sighed. "Look you better go find that ginger in the town" "wait what why?" Dazai raised an eyebrow confused. "Bro, don't you like him?" she smirked while Dazai's face became red as a tomato.

"You always zone out when doing something and as your sister I know why" Dazai just pushed Yosano out of his room and locked the door. "Ginger...? You like someone?" Elise said coming out from behind the bed.

"Elise?! What the hell are YOU doing here?!" "I was just playing while you were in the throne room duh" Soon Elise was also kicked out of his room. She rolled his eyes and went back to her room to play.





Today Yuan wanted to hang out with friends and Chuuya had to follow because she was 'too young'.

"Oh Yuan! And...Chuuya" Shirase said running to them. Chuuya rolled his eyes and sat down on the small bench nearby. "Hey Kyouka, where's your brother?" He asked. "He went on a date with Akutagawa nee" Kyouka replied.

"Ah, right they're dating now" Chuuya sighed in single. "Chuuya can you get us some food from a shop? Idc what shop I'm hungry" Chuuya nodded, got up and went to a random shop nearby.

He was walking around when he got pulled to a small alleyway where no one was. "Hey! Wtf?" he screamed when the stranger reveled himself. "Wait...you're the guy from last week" Dazai nodded. "Hi, I'm Osamu Dazai. Who may you be?"

"Osamu Dazai? Like the prince?" Chuuya raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I am the prince" "Wait! You're the prince?! What were you doing in the town?!" Chuuya was shushed by Dazai putting a hand on his(c) mouth.

"shh, they can't know I'm here" Chuuya nodded and Dazai let him go. "I'm Chuuya Nakahara. Nice to meet you Prince" Chuuya bowed. "Please, just call him Dazai. Or even Osamu if you want" he winked. Chuuya was confused by his actions.

"Well ok, it was a nice talk but I gotta go back to my sister and her friends now. See you around" Chuuya turned around and was ready to leave when Dazai pulled him back by the wrist.

"The hell?" "Oh sorry, but can you please come back after you done your things?" Chuuya was confused as hell but he didn't question it for some reason. "Fine I will come back" "Ok thanks, I'll wait for you here" He(c) nodded and went back to Yuan.

<with Yuan and her friends>

"Oh thank god you're back! I was starving. I swear you are trying to starve us to death!" Yuan said with an annoyed tone.

Chuuya rolled his eyes and handed her the bag of snacks. "I'm going out for a while" Yuan nodded and Chuuya walked back to where Dazai was waiting for him.

'What could the prince possibly want from me?' he thought. Soon he arrived at the quite alleyway where Dazai was waiting. "Oh you're here, I thought you wouldn't come back" he said with a bright smile.

"What do you want?" Chuuya asked. "I just wanted to hang out you know" Chuuya raised his eyebrow. 'Why would HE be wanting to hang out with me?'

"Don't you have things to do in the palace tho? You have 2 sisters go hang out with them. Why me?" he asked confused on why Dazai is interested in him.

"They are idiots and plus you look way more fun to hang out" Chuuya laughed. "Why would you think that? You don't even know me!" he said.

"You know Chuuya, royalties are trained to observe people" Chuuya did know that but he didn't say anything.

"So, where do you have in mind?" he(d) asked. "Hm?" "You're the one who lives in this town. You should know the places that are good to hang out"

"Oh right ofc, we can go to this coffee shop and maybe after, the hill in the evening" Chuuya gave a small smile. 'No this can't be. I can't be attracted to him already!' Dazai thought as he gave back a awkward smile back.


words - 964

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