~Chapter 3~

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Fun fact : I wrote this while in a car crash and my dad's car is not in a good mood 👏🏻

They hung out for a while and got to know each other more. Dazai did not tell anything about his situation at the palace, he just wanted to enjoy his time with the little ginger.





"Well, its getting late, I'm going back" Chuuya said and while standing up from his seat (they were sitting at like a bench or smt). They soon said goodbye and made their way home. While Dazai was walking back to his palace he saw a pink haired girl standing before him.

"Oh gosh, what do you want Shinrase?" she looked at him with a smirk. "Oh nothing, I just thought I smelled a gay couple around here~" Dazai rolled his eyes. "Me and him are just friends"

"Yeah right! I heard everything from Yosano" she crossed her arms. "What have that girl been telling you???!" Dazai asked with a really pissed expression. "Oh nothing, but..." Dazai raised an eyebrow. "But what?" "...this might seem crazy but..."

"I wish you luck, is not going to be easy"

Dazai pov

'I knew what she meant. Is not going to be easy, especially when I'm a royalty and he is a peasant.'

<Flashback to 300 years ago>

Before these kingdoms appeared, there were once only 4 nations. 4 big empires each ruled by one ruler. But they weren't allies no. They were in fact enemies. And the king who ruled Yokohama fell in love with a male, but worse...a peasant.

He did not care, their relationship continued until...there was a big war between each kingdom. And turns out the person he loved was just a spy sent from the enemy kingdom. Since then, he did not want anyone to feel like him so he made a rule. A rule which was more like a curse casted all over his empire.

"A royal one shalt not love one that is not at the same level with them" – King Arthur


'And that's how I know I have no chance with Chuuya. Lucky for Shinrase her kingdom isn't apart of the king Arthur's empire but Queen Ema's who was one of the best emperors in history. Dang I'm jealous.'

'As the Prince I have the duty to follow all the rules that was cast during King Arthur's time. Well I guess this is just my life.'

I laid down on my bed and slowly fell asleep while thinking about today.

Third person <in the morning>

"DAZAI YOU MOTHERFU-" Dazai opened his eyes as he heard the purple haired yelling his name at the top of her lungs. "WHAT???!" he screamed back and not even a second later Yosano barged into his room.

"You fucker, Dad is making a ball tonight so that YOU can find a lover. But I also have to wear a damn dress for freaking 6 hourssss" Yosano cried out.

"So what? Shouldn't a princess wear a dress?" Dazai rolled his eyes. "OH YOU MF OFC NOT, a princess should be able to wear whatever she wants. NOT A DRESS. Plus, other kingdoms are also coming! I don't want them to see me in a ridiculous dress"

Dazai ignored her and went to shower and get dress. But on the other hand...





"CHUUYA! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEEE" Yuan bagged. "No, Yuan! I am not wearing a dress and acting as a princess just because YOU want to go to the ball!" They kept auguring when Kouyou hit them both in the head with a frying pen.

"Will you two shut up?! Is 9 in the morning!" Yuan and Chuuya apologized. "But Kouyou! Chuuya doesn't want to go to the ball!" Yuan begged like a little spoiled sister she is.

"Chuuya I also think you dressing up as a girl is really a good idea." "Do you really think that?" "Yes! Because you have a lot of female features I would like to see you as a girl too" Chuuya sighed.

<at night>

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(Found the picture of Pinterest) 

"Wowww Chuuyaaa, you look so good" Yuan said holding her laugh. "Yuan istg I'm only doing this because Kouyou said so" Chuuya crossed his arms. 

"You indeed look great Chuuya, should be a modal ngl" "Thanks I guess.."

At this time the ball was starting so they headed to the ball crossing their fingers so they won't get caught as this is only for Royalty.

Chuuya was very worried about Dazai finding him but he just forgot about it and screwed it up.

<With Dazai>

This ball tonight, is going pretty well so far. People from many kingdoms have came. Well especially princesses ofc. But Dazai doesn't seem to find any of them interesting.

"Dazai you better find someone quick. I don't think I can go on in this dress, plus is itchy" Yosano said as Dazai ignored her.

He was sitting there all alone, ignoring most princesses when one in a corner caught his eye. "..Chuuya?"

Chuuya jumped as he heard his name being called. "Y-yes?" He replied.

His eye widened and anxiety crept into him when he saw the one who called him. The one and only prince Dazai.

"You're a prince?"


Hey y'all I just wanna ask, do y'all know how to fix your mouse???? Mine have been glitching so much 😭

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