Chapter 7

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<With Chuuya> 

"That was so much fun! I've never been to a royal ball!!" Yuan ran inside the house and threw herself on the couch. "I'm glad you had fun" Kouyou smiled at her. "uh i- i want to go out for a while" Kouyou looked at him confused. "Really? You should probably change first..." Before she got to finish her sentence Chuuya already sprinted out.

He walked around the quite city, when he got pulled into an allay. "what the- Dazai?" Dazai put his finger on his lips. "*sigh* alr im gonna make this quick. My dad is planning on arranging me with this princess, I don't have much time but you have to help me" He panicked. 

"wait why-?" Dazai ignored him and just ran away. It was confusing but it was clear that the guards were finding him(bro had one job). After that happened Chuuya walked home in complete confusion. 

Just as he entered the house, he could feel the aura coming from beside. It was Kouyou. "soooo Chuuya...why were you in a rush that you didn't even listen to me?"  

"I prefer keeping it a secret...?" Kouyou looked at him confused. He never kept secrets from Kouyou. "...Very well then, go have a rest" Chuuya nodded and walked up the stairs to his room. 

He shut the door and locked it. It was weird, he had never feel anything like this before. For some reason he liked being around Dazai. He felt butterflies around him.

His thoughts were interrupted by Yuan entering the room. "chuuyaaa~" she came to sit beside him. "so me and my friends were thinking...since Kouyou is going out tomorrow, we should sneak into the palace~!" Chuuya looked at her in surprise. 

"Sneak in the palace? Do you know how many guards there are?! You could be send to prison-!" Yuan shut Chuuya's mouth. "I promise it'll be safe!" Chuuya ignored her. "I'm telling Kouyou!" Yuan looked at him in annoyance. "Oh shush! You'd never do that unless your friends aren't precipitating" 

As much as Chuuya hate this, it was right. He never made his own decisions in the past. It was always his friends' or Kouyou's. It has made his life extremely hard tough he never complained. The only one who cared about this was his uncle, Verlaine. But unfortunately he moved away long ago. 

"So are you gonna come with us if Atsushi and Akutagawa are coming too?" Chuuya just sighed and nodded. Yuan got very happy. 

<In the palace> 

"Bro, how tf did you get caught?!" Yosano scolded Dazai. "Hey! Is not my fault! There were like 10 guards in the only exit!" Yosano sighed. "well did you tell him?" she started. Before Dazai could answer Elise entered. "Dad is summoning you brother." She said coldly. Dazai sighed and left the room.

"You too. sister" Yosano looked at her in confusion before getting up to follow Dazai. After they had arrived they bowed towards Mori who was sitting on his throne. "We need to talk"


Hii, sorry i haven't updated for very long but if you read my other book (Love that was started by flowers) you may know my tests are coming up. So i may not upload that often anymore. 

Moving on, the next chapter MIGHT be Dazai and Yosano's backstory. Also new character. Yumeno Kyusaku (Q), age 14, prisoner of the palace's jail. 

&quot;Another life&quot; | Soukoku royal au (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now