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The air was warm and the sunlight beamed through the window onto Liana's face. Her eyes fluttered open to the sound of her cellphone ringing. She stretches her arm from her sleeping position to answer the phone.

"Why are you still sleeping, it's literally 10? Get ready, get dressed and come outside now."

"Thanks Farleigh, just what I needed to hear as I just woke up." She said sarcastically and chuckled. "I'll be out in 15, don't lose your shit." She hangs up the phone and stretches as she stands up on her tippy toes. She undresses out of her matching pink silk pyjamas and approaches her dorm shower.

The smell of her matching vanilla shampoo and conditioner reminds her of how her mum used to spray her cheap perfume before working her 5-9, but it also reminds her of how bad the environment was growing up in my household. Shes thinking of buying a new shampoo.

She quickly dries off and props on a white cotton off the shoulder shirt and flared jeans. She then hair dries her hair and brushes it down and ties it up with the simplicity of a bow. She slips on her shoes, grabs her books and heads out of her dorm.

10:27 her phone displays. Shit. She search's the large school grounds for her friend group. Quickly scurrying around the school grounds makes her look like a total complete idiot she thinks in a sense.

Because of her panicked looking around she wasn't paying attention to what was in front of her which would of earned her some consequences. She accidentally bumps into this clean and well gathered boy with glasses and side-swept hair. He sort of looked.. I don't know, out of place in a sense.

"Oh, I am terribly sorry. I should of watched where I was going. Here let me help you." Liana starts to help him pick up his books off the floor as-well as hers. He smiles with appreciation. "Are you new here?" She asks out of curiosity.

"Er, yes I am.. so sorry about the hassle really." The boy looks at Liana with a saddened look on his face, like he ruined Liana's entire day. Although the boy was kind of intimidated by her piercing black eyes and jet black hair. He feels as if he's met her before.

"No need to apologise, my god, if anything it was my fault. Where are you headed?" As Liana asks this she kind of feels bad for the boy, he looks dazed and confused like a lost puppy.

"Oh er, lecture hall 4 with Mr. L. Do you have any idea where that is?"

"Of course" Liana looks at him with a warm and inviting smile. Letting him know that there was nothing to be scared or worried about and that he was welcome here. She then directs him to his lecture hall.

"Thank you, really. I was so lost and you have been the sweetest person since I've arrived. What was your name?" He asks.

"Liana. Yours?"


"Well it's nice to meet you Oliver. I will definitely see you around and hopefully not knock your shit over next time." Liana says chuckling at the end of her sentence.

"Nice to meet you to Liana, thank you again." Oliver says.

Liana smiles at him and raises her eyebrows while giving him a little wave and then shortly walking away. She walks around for a bit still in search for Farleigh.

She then spotted a crowd of around 10 people and one of them was her friend Farleigh sticking out from the crowd as his 6'5 figure towers over everyone.

"There she is, where have you been?" Farleigh exclaimed as he towers over Liana. She is only 5'3 compared to him being 6'5. He could practically fold her. Liana goes on to explain the interaction between her and new-kid Oliver. "I've heard somethings about his background, not very good things as well."

"Farliegh!" Liana says as she elbows his arm with a sarcastic stern look on her face. "You don't even know him, he's actually really nice." Liana says raising one eyebrow at him knowing he would never talk to someone like Oliver.

"I haven't seen you in a hot while." Felix says with a grin on his face. Liana screams at the sight of him and runs to hug him. Felix and Liana have been best friends ever since they met at Oxford. They met because Felix thought that Liana was one of his girlfriends at the time and slapped her on the ass. They still laugh about it to this day.

Felix was the it boy of Oxford. Everyone either wanted to be him or shag him. Pretty much no in between. Liana could never think of him in that way.

Liana peaks behind Felix and is caught to see Annabelle. Liana twitched her nose at the sight of her. She did not like Annabelle. The reason was because ever since Felix and Annabelle have had this sort of fling Anna has a had this resentment towards Liana and how close she was to Felix. Felix however didn't know what to say about the situation so he kept away from it.

"I guess I will leave you guys to it, I'm going to go find Col. It's lunch anyways." Liana says as she waves to the group and they all wave back except Anna with a smug look on her face.

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"God, seriously what is her problem? She's acting as if I'm going to snog Felix. That would be the equivalent to snogging my brother! Gross." Liana complains as she takes another bite of her sandwich.

"No yeah, I completely agree. Obsessed she is. I feel like she's gone mad. She might as well pee on him to mark her territory." Colette says as she snickers. Liana hits her on the arm as she laughs covering her mouth from any food escaping.

"Oh Col, I forgot to tell you. I met the absolute sweetest guy today. He's new although, I couldn't quite understand what he was saying with his North Dublin accent." Liana said. They then finish their food and leave the bench they were sitting at to walk around.

"Did you know that theres a christmas party tonight?" Colette questioned. Liana looked at her with raised eyebrows knowing that Colette was invited. "You're invited too. You didn't check your pigeonhole did you." Colette shook her head and giggled.

"Alright well I'm going to bed getting some rest before it. You have your dorm key right?" Liana questions. Colette returns a nod. Liana smiles then gives Colette a small kiss on her cheek and a hug then waves goodbye.

word count: 1136

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