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"Are you almost done!?" Colette said looking away while having one hand holding Liana's hair and one covering her mouth. Col's emetaphobia was really severe and she was praying that this would be over anytime soon.

"Ne- Nearly." Liana said between gags. This is a perfect example of why you don't get shitfaced before a school exam. Liana wiped her mouth with her hand and flushed the toilet. "I'm actually fucked, I forgot I even had a Criminal Justice exam. I'm stuffed." Liana says as shes washing her hands.

"Good fucking luck Li. You are going to need it." Colette says as she fixes her bed up. Liana is rushing to get ready because she only has 2 hours to prep for the exam.

She puts her hair in a half up-do, wears a plaited skirt with a cotton vest and Mary janes to top it off. Liana scavenges for her notes from the last class.

"Col, do you know where I put my notes-" Liana was cut off by Colette handing her the notes. She gives Liana a reassuring smile that she will do great in the exam. "Awe I love you." They give each other a big hug and Liana leaves the dorm.

⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆

Stress for exams was one thing Liana despised. She looked down at her notes re-reading everything 100 times. When it came to work Liana preferred working in teams then independently. She sat quietly writing and researching more in the library.

"Guess who."

Liana immediately knew who it was. She tilted her head up to see a tall figure with brown curly hair leaning over her.

"You don't think I can't recognise your stupid American accent?" Liana giggled as she give him a side hug. Liana and Farleigh both study the course of Criminal Justice. Farleigh takes a seat next to her and pulls out his notes. "Just as much notes as me you fucking prodigy."

They spent the next hour sharing notes and making jokes with eachother. Time flew so fast when Liana was spending time with Farleigh.

"Oh shit, It's 11:49" Liana exclaimed. They quickly packed their things up and headed to the exam hall.

⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆

30 minutes left. Liana thought she did her best. She answered the last few questions. Done. She collected her paper and walked to the professor to turn it in, her Mary Janes clicking as she walked.

Farleigh was eyeing her from afar on how her body moved with her skirt. Liana caught Farliegh staring and gave a little chuckle before sitting down.

The test ended and everyone left the exam hall. Farliegh caught up to her to tell her about something.

"Li, everyones hanging out at Felix's dorm tonight. We would love to see you and Col there.."

Liana smiled at the thought of him thinking about her being there.

"Of course I will be there. See you." Liana said before giving him a hug and waving bye to him.

word count: 512

AN: so sorry abt this being so short😭 was kind of a filler chapter

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