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"Felix's tonight" Liana stated. Her and Colette were out downtown dress shopping for the ball  since they both didn't have any classes or lectures.

"Is that so.. pft. Anna won't be so happy seeing us. Because I know for a fact she will be there, shes like glued to him. It's kind of gross actually, they aren't even dating like come on. She needs to set her standards hah." Colette remarked. She pulled out this navy silk blue dress the went down the her feet.

"Oh that's so cute, that would compliment your body so well." Liana wasn't a big fan of balls or anything like that. She just thought it was too cliche. Liana kept browsing for a dress, she was quite picky when it came to fashion.

"Who's going to be your date?" Colette said as she smirked. Liana looked at up at her with a confused face.

"Oh, I thought we were going together?"

"Right.. I am super duper sorry for not telling you but remember the guy thats two dorms down from us, the one with black long hair?" Liana nodded.

"Well, he asked me to go with him. Li you know I love you and I wish I could go with you but I can't." Collete said as she pouted her lips.

"Col, who do I go with then?" Liana asked.

"Well, I've seen that Farleigh has this little thing for you." Col said as she raised her eyebrows up and down, Liana slapped her hand as she laughed.

"What do you mean he has a thing for me, no way." Liana said.

"Well.. last night when you were passed out me and Farleigh talked for a bit, he was sitting next to you on your bed. And when I tell you, the way he looked at you. Shit, I know when a person's in love when I see it." Colette quoted.

Liana gave a blushed smile at what Colette said before continuing to look for a dress. She had never thought about Farleigh that way, but she has acknowledged how attractive he is. She always promised her self to keep away from guys that are players, but he might be different. I wouldn't hurt to give it a chance.

Just as she was pondering about the thought of her and Farleigh she found the dress.

"COLETTE. This is it" Liana says as she pulls out this pink sparkly champagne dress that hugs her waist. It had pearl beaded straps and an open back tied together with pink lace. The bottom of the dress spread out on the ground. Colettes jaw dropped in envy.

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Cheap Victoria Secret perfume and cigarettes filled the air of the duo's dorm. Liana laid in her bed pondering of the thought about what Colette mentioned about Farleigh earlier that day.

"Jesus, what the fuck do I even wear?" Colette exclaimed. She was stressed to see that boy she was talking to at Felixs'.

"Just wear something casual, don't stress it" Liana giggled. She got up and looked through Colettes closet. She threw her a black pencil skirt, black lace tights, a white knitted sweater and a cream scarf. "There, now you pick the shoes."

"What would I do without you." Colette smiled. Liana shrugged her shoulders in response. Liana threw on a black off-the-shoulder top and dark blue flared jeans. She also included sunglasses to match, even though it was night time she couldn't care less. Whatever complimented her.

The two finished getting ready and started heading to Felixs'.  They arrive and knock on the door. As soon as Felix opens the door he is greeted with a big warm hug from Liana. He invites them in and the room had a warm vibe to it with jazz playing in the background. They see, Farleigh sitting at the table smoking a cigarette as he chats to a girl and a boy from his friend group, Annabelle and her friends sitting cross legged on the floor playing cards with 2 of her friends and Oliver patiently sitting on Felixs' bed waiting for him to come back. Everyone stops what they're doing to look at who just entered the room.

"O-kay..." Colette says awkwardly as she sits on Farleigh's bed bring Liana along side her. They chat for a while about the ball tomorrow night.

"Okay, everyone get your boring asses on the floor." Farleigh instructs. Everyone looks at him with confusion. "Go?" He says as he widened his eyes. Everyone sits in a circle with their legs crossed and having been still confused on whats going on. Farleigh grabs a champagne bottle out of his closet that had probably been sitting there for a while. He also grabs 10 shot glasses and a bottle of vodka. He places it in the center of the circle signalling he wants to play spin the bottle.

"I mean, I'm in.." Felix says as he looks at Liana for agreement. Liana agrees that she is also in and eventually everyone agrees to play.

"Which one of you dolls wants to go first?" Farleigh asks.

"I will!" Colette says.

"Well okayy Col. Give it your best shot." Farleigh says with an eager look on his face and he pours a shot for her. Colette spins the bottle and it slowly lands onto Farleigh's friend. A shot is poured for him and they both down it. They lean in for a kiss but it prolongs into a 30 second make out session.

"You know you guys just had to kiss, right?" Felix said as he chuckled. The bottle was spun again and it landed on Anna. She spins it and what a surprise. It landed on Felix. Farleigh poured a shot for both of them.

"Well here we go." Farleigh says with raised eyebrows. They start french kissing and then Felix lifts Anna onto his lap and grabbing her breast.

"Okay jeez." Anna's friend joked as she softly slapped Anna to stop. Anna got of an wiped her mouth with a smirk looking Liana dead in the eyes. Liana gives her a disgusted look before checking if Colette just saw what she saw.

Annabelle spins the bottle and it slowly lands on Liana. A shot is poured for her and she takes it. She spins the bottle and it slowly lands on.. Felix.

"Woah." Colette says. Farleigh has an agitated look on his face, and Annabelle. She looks like shes ready to absolutely murder someone. All her hate and resentment towards Liana has led to this very moment.

Farleigh pours a shot for Felix in a very sour manner. Felix downs it. They both lean in with their eyes glued shut and give a very quick peck before going back to where they were sitting. Colette looks at Liana with an I can't believe you just did that look.

Liana then spins the bottle for the next person and it lands on Oliver. Liana gives him a cheeky smile as he downs his shot. He spins the bottle and it lands on Annabelle's friend India. She did not look like she wanted to go through with this but did anyway. Oliver looked kind of nervous, but in a cute way. They gave each other a small peck before sitting down.

"Woahh, go Ollie!" Felix cheered. Liana gave him a wink and a smirk. Oliver reached in to spin the bottle and it ended up landing on Farleigh.

"Alright, my turn" Farleigh spins the bottle as her take the shot. It slowly landed on Liana. She took her shot and looked at him. Farleigh gave a little smile before they both went in for the kiss. Farleigh grabbed Lianas face as they passionately kissed each other, they made out for about 20 seconds before sitting back down. Felix had a disappointed look on his face as he watch Liana have blushed cheeks as she wiped the spit from her mouth and Farleigh giving her that look.

Smoke filled the air and it was a bliss to be alive at that very moment. Colette looked over the moon happy for Liana as it was confirmed that Farleigh was into her.

"I told you so" Colette said as she stuck her tongue out at Liana.

word count: 1370

AN: i jet skied today so fun i definitely recommend

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